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質問 American English 答え American English
Evolutionary Purpose
Biologist: "Understanding the 'Evolutionary Purpose' of certain traits helps us comprehend their significance in the natural world."
The inherent or underlying reason or function behind the development or existence of something, often relating to its adaptation or survival over time.
Biologist: "Understanding the '____________________' of certain traits helps us comprehend their significance in the
Creative Director: "The artist's 'Fanciful' designs transport viewers to a surreal world of vivid colors and whimsical creatures."
Highly imaginative or whimsical; existing only in the imagination rather than in reality.
Creative Director: "The artist's '____________________' designs transport viewers to a surreal world of vivid colors and whimsical creatures."
Fizzle Out
Project Manager: "Our initial enthusiasm for the project began to 'Fizzle Out' as unforeseen challenges arose."
To gradually diminish or die down; to fail or end weakly or unsuccessfully.
Project Manager: "Our initial enthusiasm for the project began to '____________________' as unforeseen challenges arose."
Marketing Campaign: "Despite high expectations, the product launch 'Fizzled' due to lackluster marketing efforts."
Past tense of "Fizzle," meaning to fail or end weakly or unsuccessfully.
Marketing Campaign: "Despite high expectations, the product launch '____________________' due to lackluster marketing efforts."
Flatter to Deceive
Salesperson: "Don't let their compliments fool you; their intentions may be to 'Flatter to Deceive' and secure a better deal."
To praise someone insincerely or excessively with the intention of misleading or manipulating them.
Salesperson: "Don't let their compliments fool you; their intentions may be to '____________________' and secure a better deal."
Employee: "Upon hearing the alarm, everyone should 'Flee' the building immediately."
To run away or escape from a dangerous or threatening situation; to hurry away from something.
Employee: "Upon hearing the alarm, everyone should '____________________' the building immediately."
Team Leader: "Our team displayed remarkable 'Fortitude' in overcoming the challenges of the past year."
Mental or emotional strength and resilience in facing adversity or hardship; courage and determination in difficult circumstances.
Team Leader: "Our team displayed remarkable '____________________' in overcoming the challenges of the past year."
Manager: "Continuing to pursue the outdated strategy would be 'Futile' given the changing market dynamics."
Having no useful result; pointless or ineffective; incapable of producing any useful outcome.
Manager: "Continuing to pursue the outdated strategy would be '____________________' given the changing market dynamics."
Leader: "The impassioned speech 'Galvanized' the team to work together towards a common goal."
To stimulate or excite someone to take action; to spur into activity or incite change.
Leader: "The impassioned speech '____________________' the team to work together towards a common goal."
Witness: "As the plot twist was revealed, the audience collectively 'Gasped' in disbelief."
To inhale suddenly and sharply, usually due to surprise, shock, or difficulty breathing.
Witness: "As the plot twist was revealed, the audience collectively '____________________' in disbelief."
Get the Ball Rolling
Project Manager: "Let's 'Get the Ball Rolling' by assigning tasks and setting deadlines for the upcoming project."
To start an activity or process; to initiate action or progress.
Project Manager: "Let's '____________________' by assigning tasks and setting deadlines for the upcoming project."
Getting Off on the Right Foot
CEO: "It's crucial that our new hires 'Get Off on the Right Foot' by understanding our company culture and values from the start."
To start something in a favorable or auspicious manner; to begin on a positive note.
CEO: "It's crucial that our new hires '____________________' by understanding our company culture and values from the start."
Give It Your Best Shot
Coach: "Don't worry about failing; just 'Give It Your Best Shot' and see what you can achieve."
To make one's best effort or attempt; to try something with maximum effort and determination.
Coach: "Don't worry about failing; just '____________________' and see what you can achieve."
Colleague: "The comedian had everyone in stitches with his 'Guffawing' jokes during the presentation."
Laughing loudly or heartily, often in a boisterous or unrestrained manner.
Colleague: "The comedian had everyone in stitches with his '____________________' jokes during the presentation."
Gutted with
Employee: "I was 'Gutted with' the news of the company's downsizing."
To feel deeply disappointed, devastated, or saddened by something.
Employee: "I was '____________________' the news of the company's downsizing."
Engineer: "We 'Harnessed' the power of renewable energy to reduce our carbon footprint."
To utilize or control something, typically a resource or potential, for a particular purpose or goal.
Engineer: "We '____________________' the power of renewable energy to reduce our carbon footprint."
Investor: "To mitigate risk, we need to 'Hedge' our investments with diversified portfolios."
To protect against loss or uncertainty by taking preventive measures or precautions.
Investor: "To mitigate risk, we need to '____________________' our investments with diversified portfolios."
How on earth is it possible
Team Member: " 'How on earth is it possible' for our competitor to double their sales in just one quarter?"
Expressing disbelief or incredulity about something that seems implausible or unlikely.
Team Member: " '____________________' for our competitor to double their sales in just one quarter?"
Nature Enthusiast: "The wind was 'Howling' through the trees during the storm last night."
Making a loud, prolonged, mournful sound, typically as an expression of pain, sorrow, or distress.
Nature Enthusiast: "The wind was '____________________' through the trees during the storm last night."
Hunched Over
Programmer: "After hours of coding, I found myself 'Hunched Over' the computer screen."
Bent over or curved forward, usually due to physical discomfort, fatigue, or concentration.
Programmer: "After hours of coding, I found myself '____________________' the computer screen."
