10 pytań PR

 0    9 フィッシュ    jessicagrubinska
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質問 English 答え English
1. what worried garry?
The strength of the wind whick was rising warried garry.
2. what did garry enjoy (like) as a child?
As a child he enjoyed riding a horse fearlessly traugh a storm.
3. How did he feel/ the moment he got up?
His heart was beating fastcqs if had had a nightmore.
4. what did he hear autside?
he heard voices of his neighbour the wind and the rain.
6. who was karen and why did she come to him in the middle of the night?
karen was neighbor garryego she come to him to alert he to the danger.
7. How did she look like?
karen was streaked with and dirt and panting as though she had just ran a marathon.
8. How did his garden look like?
The bottom of his garden was under water. only the tops of the hedges surrounding his garden were visible. there was no trace of its flowers.
9. Did they try to ascape? Why/why not?
they did not try to escape because they were surrounded by water.
10. What did they have to do to survive?
to survive, they took food, blankets, pillows and candles with matches and went to the attic.
