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質問 American English 答え American English
Be Lagging
Team Lead: "Our project seems to 'Be Lagging' behind schedule due to unexpected delays in procurement."
To fall behind or be slower in progress, development, or performance compared to others.
Team Lead: "Our project seems to '____________________' behind schedule due to unexpected delays in procurement."
Embedded In
IT Specialist: "Security measures are 'Embedded In' the software architecture to protect against cyber threats."
To be firmly fixed or ingrained within something; to be an integral part or component of something.
IT Specialist: "Security measures are '____________________' the software architecture to protect against cyber threats."
Consolidate Activities
How can we consolidate activities to improve efficiency?
To combine several activities into a more efficient or effective whole.
We can consolidate activities by combining similar tasks, streamlining processes, and using collaborative tools.
offer Hidden Benefit
Marketing Director: "The loyalty program offers numerous 'Hidden Benefits' such as exclusive discounts and VIP perks."
An advantage or positive outcome that is not immediately obvious or apparent.
Marketing Director: "The loyalty program offers numerous '____________________' such as exclusive discounts and VIP perks."
CEO: "Our company values 'Embody' the spirit of innovation and customer service excellence."
To represent or exemplify a particular quality, idea, or characteristic; to personify or incarnate.
CEO: "Our company values '____________________' the spirit of innovation and customer service excellence."
Reformulate the hypothesis
Research Scientist: "We need to 'Reformulate' the hypothesis based on the latest experimental data."
To revise or change the formulation or structure of something, often with the intention of improvement or optimization.
Research Scientist: "We need to '____________________' the hypothesis based on the latest experimental data."
Have you ever had to proclaim your support for a cause?
To announce or declare something publicly and emphatically.
Yes, I had to proclaim my support for environmental conservation during a community event.
Outstripped our competitors
Can you think of a situation where one competitor outstripped another in a race or competition?
Sales Manager: "Our sales figures 'Outstripped' the competitors', demonstrating the effectiveness of our marketing strategies."
To surpass or exceed someone or something in performance, achievement, or quality.
Can you think of a situation where one competitor outstripped another in a race or competition?
Sales Manager: "Our sales figures '____________________' the competitors', demonstrating the effectiveness of our marketing strategies."
skill sets of Incumbents
HR Manager: "We need to assess the skill sets of the 'Incumbents' to determine training needs for future job roles."
The current holders of a particular position, status, or office.
HR Manager: "We need to assess the skill sets of the '____________________' to determine training needs for future job roles."
Breakneck Speed
Project Lead: "We're moving forward at 'Breakneck Speed' to meet the tight deadline."
Extremely fast or rapid pace, often implying high risk or intensity.
Project Lead: "We're moving forward at '____________________' to meet the tight deadline."
Enabled By
IT Director: "The remote work policy is 'Enabled By' robust cybersecurity measures and reliable internet connectivity."
Made possible or facilitated by; provided with the means or capability to accomplish something.
IT Director: "The remote work policy is '____________________' robust cybersecurity measures and reliable internet connectivity."
Strategy Consultant: "We need to leverage the 'Complementarities' between our product lines to drive cross-selling opportunities."
The state of being mutually beneficial or enhancing when combined together; synergistic relationships or interactions between different elements or components.
Strategy Consultant: "We need to leverage the '____________________' between our product lines to drive cross-selling opportunities."
new trends has Emerged
Market Analyst: "A new trend has 'Emerged' in consumer behavior, indicating a shift towards sustainable purchasing habits."
To come into existence or become known or recognized after being hidden or obscure.
Market Analyst: "A new trend has '____________________' in consumer behavior, indicating a shift towards sustainable purchasing habits."
By Far
Financial Advisor: "This investment option offers the highest returns 'By Far' compared to other opportunities in the market."
By a large margin or to a great extent; significantly or noticeably more than others.
Financial Advisor: "This investment option offers the highest returns '____________________' compared to other opportunities in the market."
White Goods
Procurement Manager: "We've sourced high-quality 'White Goods' for the new office kitchen."
Large household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers, typically characterized by their white enamel finish.
Procurement Manager: "We've sourced high-quality '____________________' for the new office kitchen."
Humble Beginnings
Founder: "Our company started from 'Humble Beginnings' in a small garage, and now we're a global industry leader."
Modest or unassuming origins or starting points, often implying eventual success or growth from modest circumstances.
Founder: "Our company started from '____________________' in a small garage, and now we're a global industry leader."
Why might a team consider forfeiting a game?
To lose or give up something as a penalty or sacrifice.
A team might consider forfeiting a game due to a lack of players, safety concerns, or if they believe they cannot compete effectively.
Embrace the change
Team Leader: "Let's 'Embrace' the changes and leverage them as opportunities for growth."
To accept or adopt something willingly or enthusiastically; to welcome or make use of opportunities or challenges.
Team Leader: "Let's '____________________' the changes and leverage them as opportunities for growth."
Highly Regarded Organization
Business Analyst: "As a 'Highly Regarded Organization,' we strive for excellence in every aspect of our operations."
A company or entity that is widely respected, esteemed, or admired for its achievements, reputation, or contributions.
Business Analyst: "As a '____________________,' we strive for excellence in every aspect of our operations."
Finance Manager: "The company 'Lent' its expertise to support the community development project."
To provide or give something on a temporary basis, often with the expectation of its return.
Finance Manager: "The company '____________________' its expertise to support the community development project."
