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質問 American English 答え American English
focus on Subsequent stages
Project Coordinator: "After the initial phase, we'll focus on the 'Subsequent' stages of development."
Following in order or succession; coming after or later in time or sequence.
Project Coordinator: "After the initial phase, we'll focus on the '____________________' stages of development."
lead to Brand Dilution
Marketing Manager: "Expanding into unrelated markets may lead to 'Brand Dilution' and compromise our core brand identity."
The reduction in the strength, significance, or distinctiveness of a brand due to overextension, mismanagement, or association with inferior products or services.
Marketing Manager: "Expanding into unrelated markets may lead to '____________________' and compromise our core brand identity."
Set Out To
Team Lead: "We 'Set Out To' develop a new software solution that addresses our clients' evolving needs."
To start or embark on a journey, task, or mission with a specific purpose, intention, or objective in mind.
Team Lead: "We '____________________' develop a new software solution that addresses our clients' evolving needs."
Appraised to ensure the complience with
Was the project appraised to ensure compliance with regulations?
Evaluated or assessed to guarantee adherence to specified standards.
Yes, the project was appraised to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations before proceeding.
Budget Analyst: "Funds have been 'Earmarked' for infrastructure development projects in the upcoming fiscal year."
To set aside or designate funds, resources, or assets for a specific purpose or use.
Budget Analyst: "Funds have been '____________________' for infrastructure development projects in the upcoming fiscal year."
No Spare Capacity
Operations Manager: "Our production line is operating at maximum capacity, with 'No Spare Capacity' for additional orders."
Having no extra or available resources, time, or room for additional activities or tasks.
Operations Manager: "Our production line is operating at maximum capacity, with '____________________' for additional orders."
Drill Down
Data Analyst: "Let's 'Drill Down' into the sales data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement."
To examine or analyze something in detail, especially to understand its underlying components or causes.
Data Analyst: "Let's '____________________' into the sales data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement."
Streamline and Optimize
Operations Director: "We need to 'Streamline and Optimize' our supply chain to reduce costs and enhance delivery times."
To simplify and improve the efficiency or effectiveness of a process, system, or workflow by eliminating unnecessary steps or resources and maximizing productivity.
Operations Director: "We need to '____________________' our supply chain to reduce costs and enhance delivery times."
Be Ruled By
Team Leader: "We should not 'Be Ruled By' fear when making decisions; instead, let's focus on data and rational thinking."
To be governed or controlled by a particular influence, emotion, or circumstance.
Team Leader: "We should not '____________________' fear when making decisions; instead, let's focus on data and rational thinking."
Stress Reliever
HR Manager: "We're implementing a new 'Stress Reliever' program to promote employee well-being and mental health in the workplace."
Something that helps alleviate or reduce stress, tension, or anxiety.
HR Manager: "We're implementing a new '____________________' program to promote employee well-being and mental health in the workplace."
Prevalent with our community
Marketing Director: "Social media usage is 'Prevalent' among our target demographic, so we should focus our marketing efforts there."
Widespread or commonly occurring; existing or happening frequently or over a large area.
Marketing Director: "Social media usage is '____________________' among our target demographic, so we should focus our marketing efforts there."
Code of Conduct
Compliance Officer: "We need to ensure that all employees adhere to the company's 'Code of Conduct' to maintain integrity and professionalism."
A set of rules or guidelines outlining expected behavior or ethical standards within a particular organization or group.
Compliance Officer: "We need to ensure that all employees adhere to the company's '____________________' to maintain integrity and professionalism."
What are you doing when you and your team are spitballing ideas?
To casually suggest or brainstorm ideas.
When my team and I are spitballing ideas, we’re brainstorming freely and coming up with spontaneous suggestions.
Operations Manager: "We're experiencing a 'Surge' in online orders, so we need to ramp up production to meet customer demand."
A sudden, significant increase or rise in something, such as demand, activity, or intensity.
Operations Manager: "We're experiencing a '____________________' in online orders, so we need to ramp up production to meet customer demand."
Deprived of basic needs
Social Worker: "Our mission is to support families who are 'Deprived' of basic needs by providing them with food and essential services."
Lacking the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, or essential resources; suffering from a lack of something important or necessary.
Social Worker: "Our mission is to support families who are '____________________' of basic needs by providing them with food and essential services."
CEO: "Today, we 'Mourn' the loss of our colleague and friend, John, who made significant contributions to our company."
To feel or express sorrow or grief over a loss, typically through rituals or expressions of sadness.
CEO: "Today, we '____________________' the loss of our colleague and friend, John, who made significant contributions to our company."
Facilities Manager: "Make sure the office chairs are adjusted properly to provide a 'Snug' and ergonomic workspace for employees."
Comfortably tight or well-fitting; providing warmth, comfort, or security.
Facilities Manager: "Make sure the office chairs are adjusted properly to provide a '____________________' and ergonomic workspace for employees."
Strip Out
Project Manager: "Let's 'Strip Out' the unnecessary features from the software to streamline its functionality and improve user experience."
To remove or take away something, especially unnecessary or unwanted elements, from a structure, document, or process.
Project Manager: "Let's '____________________' the unnecessary features from the software to streamline its functionality and improve user experience."
Compliance Officer: "The new policy is 'Prescriptive' and outlines strict guidelines for data handling and security protocols."
Dictating specific rules or directions; giving authoritative instructions or guidance on how to behave or proceed.
Compliance Officer: "The new policy is '____________________' and outlines strict guidelines for data handling and security protocols."
Do you think it’s important for everyone to be literate?
Able to read and write; having knowledge or competence in a particular area.
IT Manager: "Our team is 'Literate' in multiple programming languages, allowing us to tackle diverse projects efficiently."
Marketing Specialist: "We need someone who is 'Savvy' in digital marketing to lead our social media campaigns effectively."
Having practical knowledge, understanding, or shrewdness, especially in business or everyday matters; being perceptive, well-informed, or experienced.
Marketing Specialist: "We need someone who is '____________________' in digital marketing to lead our social media campaigns effectively."
Sales Director: "Our sales team will collaborate with their international 'Counterparts' to exchange best practices and strategies."
Individuals or things that have the same function or characteristics as others, especially within a different group, system, or organization.
Sales Director: "Our sales team will collaborate with their international '____________________' to exchange best practices and strategies."
CFO: "I reject the proposal 'Outright' because it doesn't align with our company's values and long-term objectives."
Completely or entirely; without reservation, qualification, or hesitation.
CFO: "I reject the proposal '____________________' because it doesn't align with our company's values and long-term objectives."
