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to recognize, find, or make a choice among different people or things in a group 学び始める
a building in which nuns (= members of a female religious order) live 学び始める
to go away or leave, especially on a journey 学び始める
1 April, a day when people play tricks on other people 学び始める
If your eyes ... something, or your sight, eyes, etc... something, you see and notice it 学び始める
a strong chemical used for cleaning things or removing colour from things 学び始める
to remove the colour from something or make it lighter, with the use of chemicals or by the effect of light from the sun; to become lighter in this way 学び始める
to change the colour of something using a special liquid 学び始める
a person who cuts people's hair and puts it into a style, usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser's 学び始める
to find someone in the act of doing something illegal 学び始める
to start to happen or exist 学び始める
in a way that uses words and phrases with a more imaginative meaning than usual 学び始める
the basic facts of a situation 学び始める
very beautiful and delicate 学び始める
to make a person seem to be guilty of a crime when they are not, by producing facts or information that are not true 学び始める
to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else 学び始める
to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support 学び始める
a large public event where goods are bought and sold, usually from tables that have been specially arranged for the event, and where there is often entertainment 学び始める
a place in the ground where a dead person is buried 学び始める
A ... object has such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calculated 学び始める
to ask a person about something, especially officially 学び始める
to produce something, often using a particular substance or material 学び始める