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質問 答え
w skrócie, w pigułce
in a nutshell
very briefly, giving only the main points What went wrong?" "In a nutshell, everything
krótko mówiąc, w skrócie, w kilku słowach
cut a long story short
used when you are explaining what happened in a few words, without giving all the details. He wanted to be a doctor but, to cut a long story short, he ended up as a pharmacist. Long story short: she sold the painting.
przymykać na coś oko (udawać, że się czegoś nie widzi lub że się o czymś nie wie)
turn a blind eye to
to ignore something that you know is wrong Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace
luka prawna
legal loophole
an opportunity to legally avoid an unpleasant responsibility, usually because of a mistake in the way rules or laws have been written
They plan to close a loophole that allows businesses to avoid paying off redundant workers. a corporate/legal/tax loophole He has pledged to close a tax loophole that has allowed US firms to take business and jobs abroad.
zacząć o czymś mówić, poruszać coś, napomykać o czymś (np. temat, problem)
bring sth up
to start to talk about a particular subject. She's always bringing up her health problems. The evening was going well until someone brought up the subject of politics. t was neither the time nor place to bring up the issue of religion
wychować kogoś (np. dziecko)
bring someone up
to care for a child until they are an adult, often giving them particular beliefs. She was brought up by her grandmother. They brought her up to be a Catholic. David was brought up to respect authority.
dopingować kogoś, kibicować komuś
cheer someone on
to shout loudly in order to encourage someone in a competition As the runners went by, we cheered them on. Fans filled every seat available to cheer on the team
pocieszać kogoś, rozweselać kogoś, dodawać otuchy komuś
cheer someone up
If someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they start to feel happier: She was sick so I sent her some flowers to cheer her up. He cheered up at the prospect of a meal. Cheer up! It's not that bad! She went shopping to cheer herself up.
przekazywać coś, tłumaczyć coś (np. co się ma na myśli), dotrzec do kogos, ze zrozumial
get sth across
to manage to make someone understand or believe something: get your point across We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen. get a message across This is the message that we want to get across to the public.
wygadać się komuś, zdradzić się komuś
let on
to tell other people about something that you know, especially when it is a secret: I suspect he knows more than he's letting on. If he did know the truth, he didn’t let on. Don't tell him your secrets, he always lets on.
przerwać komuś, włączyć się gwałtownie do rozmowy, wkroczyć do akcji
jump in
to interrupt when someone else is speaking: I wish you'd stop jumping in and finishing my sentences for me all the time. to suddenly become involved in a situation or discussion
wpaść na kogoś (spotkać kogoś niespodziewanie), wjechać w coś, walnąć w coś
bump into someone
to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them: We bumped into Amy when we were in town last week. to hit someone or something with your body, usually by accident: There was no room to move without bumping into someone.
borykać się z czymś, zmagać się z czymś, mocować się z czymś
grapple with something
to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject. Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race.
osiągać coś, dokonywać czegoś (cos ciezkiego)
pull sth off
to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected. The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues. He won five straight games and pulled off one of the tournament’s biggest upsets. I can't believe you pulled that off.
