質問 |
答え |
This unit of the factory should improve their <effectiveness> or it will be closed. 学び始める
If we want to go for a holiday this year we need to make a few <economies> this month. 学び始める
We must pay this <overdue> gas bill today. 学び始める
We fought hard to <recover> from the losses after the financial crisis. 学び始める
The new marketing campaign increased the company <earnings> by 25 percent. 学び始める
The credit card company <charged> the cost of the tickets to his <account>. 学び始める
The buyer backed out an hour before <completion> of the transaction. 学び始める
We didn't take our car to Scotland with us, so we had to <hire> one. 学び始める
A reliable <supplier> is crucial for the smooth running of the factory. 学び始める
You <overdrew> your account by 780 pounds. 学び始める
przekroczyła pani stan konta
We need to reduce our monthly <outgoings>, we're spending too much money. 学び始める
The company completely <lost> its <credibility> after the last scandal. 学び始める
We only expected a rough sketch but he presented an <elaborate> plan of the takeover. 学び始める
He <accumulated> a fortune by buying and selling used cars. 学び始める
Nothing <ventured>, nothing gained. 学び始める
The <proceeds> from real estate sales have dropped this year. 学び始める
In business and politics you often play for high <stakes>. 学び始める
This gallery <deals in> 19th-century paintings. 学び始める
After the latest crash at the Stock Exchange many companies went <bankrupt>. 学び始める
Sylvia couldn't keep <up-to-date> with the accounts and the company went bankrupt. 学び始める
Don't do any business with them - it's a <disreputable> company. 学び始める
Mr Gerry will <doubtless> be glad about the inheritance. 学び始める
The benefits of having a good accountant to interpret the system and all of its rules appropriately are <manifold>. 学び始める
Tariffs have been <imposed> on all foreign goods. 学び始める
The <cause> which he feels most deeply about is that of the poor. 学び始める
We are considering various <options> in order to increase the budget. 学び始める
With all orders over 500 pounds <shipping> is free. 学び始める
Insert two coins into the <slot> and press the button. 学び始める
Everything a business owns - whether it is buildings, staff, or a brand - has an <intrinsic>, financial value. 学び始める
His dry-cleaning business really <flourished> this year and made him a lot of money. 学び始める
She <claimed> the money <from> her insurance company after the accident. 学び始める
We spend too much; we must <lower> our expenses. 学び始める
We can <either> buy a new car or renovate the house - we don't have enough money for both. 学び始める
The pipeline <conveys> natural gas to the Midwest. 学び始める
The import of <refined> oil is to reach 40 million tons. 学び始める
I am <discontent> with our department's profits. 学び始める
Small companies are able to be both <responsive> and flexible in their business dealings. 学び始める
All we can do now is try to <minimise> our losses. 学び始める
Our shares rose 20% when the <merger> was announced. 学び始める
Most people would pay every last penny for the <elixir> of youth. 学び始める