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to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married 学び始める
to like someone and become friendly immediately 学び始める
a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people 学び始める
to (cause someone to) die because of not having enough oxygen 学び始める
having a pleasant and polite way of speaking that is considered socially acceptable 学び始める
to go to a place or event, usually without much planning 学び始める
about to be said if you can remember it 学び始める
on the tip of your tongue
used for wishing someone good luck, especially before a performance 学び始める
said in order to show that people cannot be hurt by unpleasant things that are said to them 学び始める
sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me)
a rude phrase meaning to be very serious and easily offended, and always want rules to be obeyed 学び始める
have a stick up your arse
If you say something ..., you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious 学び始める
something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly 学び始める
to make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem 学び始める
make a mountain out of a molehill
a small pile of earth pushed up to the surface of the ground by the digging of a mole (= a mammal that lives underground) 学び始める
very quickly and without any delay 学び始める
to save money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly 学び始める
save/keep money for a rainy day
to go to bed in order to sleep 学び始める
the latest problem in a series of problems, that makes a situation impossible to accept 学び始める
If someone is or feels ..., they feel ill 学び始める
If two people ..., they agree with each other 学び始める
to be extremely expensive 学び始める
to start to include more different types or things 学び始める
used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time 学び始める
take a rain check (on sth)
to tell people secret information 学び始める
a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone 学び始める
to sleep at someone else's house for the night, especially when you have not planned it 学び始める
a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February 学び始める
a difference between two things 学び始める
an important difference between the ideas, opinions, or situations of two groups of people 学び始める
a very large, deep hole in the ground 学び始める
to imagine or expect that something will happen 学び始める
something that has to be done but has no real importance 学び始める
used to refer to a situation in which decisions are made by a few people in authority rather than by the people who are affected by the decisions 学び始める
the way that people with authority in an organization, especially in the military, are ranked, from the person with the most authority to the next one below, and so on 学び始める
to come for a visit, esp. without having received an invitation for a specific time 学び始める
to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person 学び始める
having a pleasant appearance and character 学び始める
agreement that something is true or legal 学び始める
If you are given ..., people show admiration and respect for your achievements 学び始める
the fact of knowing someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before 学び始める
doubting that something is true or useful 学び始める
a period of time when you do not work because of illness or holidays, or because your employer has given you permission to do something else 学び始める
the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc. 学び始める
involving two or more people working together for a special purpose 学び始める
not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel 学び始める
to gradually increase, rise, or get bigger 学び始める
a title used before the family name or full name of a married woman who has no other title 学び始める
a title used before the family name or full name of a man who has no other title, or when talking to man who holds a particular official position 学び始める
worry about the future, or a fear that something unpleasant is going to happen 学び始める
to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time 学び始める
If you ..., you start to sleep, especially during the day 学び始める