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inscribe share
akcja imienna
bearer share
akcja na okaziciela
preference share
a share in a company that gives the owner the right to receive a dividend (= part of the company's profit) before dividends are paid to owners of common shares, or when dividends on common shares are not paid at all
akcja uprzywilejowana
a share in a company that gives the owner the right to receive a dividend (= part of the company's profit) before dividends are paid to owners of common shares, or when dividends on common shares are not paid at all
ordinary share
a share of a company providing the owner with a right to vote at shareholder meetings and to receive a part of the company profits as a dividend
akcja zwykła
a share of a company providing the owner with a right to vote at shareholder meetings and to receive a part of the company profits as a dividend
deferred share
akcja odroczona
a type of share where the dividend (= part of a company's profits) does not have to be paid until payments have been made on all other shares:
income share
a share in a company that pays dividends (= part of the profit of a company that is paid to shareholders) rather than increasing in value:
akcje przynoszące dochód w postaci dywidendy
a share in a company that pays dividends (= part of the profit of a company that is paid to shareholders) rather than increasing in value:
growth shares
shares that are expected to increase in value rather than to pay high dividends (= regular payments of part of a company's profits):
akcje wzrostowe
shares that are expected to increase in value rather than to pay high dividends (= regular payments of part of a company's profits):
capital share
a type of share in an investment company which offers shareholders profits because of an increase in value of the company's investments, but which does not pay dividends:
akcje wzrostowe
a type of share in an investment company which offers shareholders profits because of an increase in value of the company's investments, but which does not pay dividends:
glamour stock
shares in famous and successful companies
atrakcyjne papiery wartościowe
shares in famous and successful companies
blue chip company /invenstment
A blue-chip company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not likely to fail.
zaufana pewna inwestycja firma
company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not likely to fail.
share price
cena akcji
face value
the value or price that is shown on something such as stamps, coins, or paper money
cena nominalna
the value or price that is shown on something such as stamps, coins, or paper money
par value
the value of a share, bond, etc. when it is made available for sale for the first time:
wartość nominalna
the value of a share, bond, etc. when it is made available for sale for the first time:
share certificate
If you want to be able to sell your shares when trading begins, you should request a share certificate.
świadectwo posiadania akcji firmy
If you want to be able to sell your shares when trading begins, you should request a share certificate.
over the counter (OCT)
used to describe shares that are traded directly between dealers (= people and organizations that buy and sell for others), rather than on a stock market:
przymiotnik pozagiełdowy w wolnym obrocie
used to describe shares that are traded directly between dealers (= people and organizations that buy and sell for others), rather than on a stock market:
