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質問 答え
zatrzymywac się, przerywać, kończyć (produkcja, autobus, pociag, miasto, inicjatywy)
bring something to a halt (brought trains to a halt), bus came to a halt, city grinds to a halt, screech to a halt, halt in production
na nieokreślony czas
be put off/postponed indefinitely The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely. In the light of recent disclosures, the business deal has been postponed indefinitely.
zdolność, wydajność (np. intelektu, maszyny), potencjał (np. militarny, nuklearn
capability to: With the new machines we finally have the capability to do the job properly. have the capability: Has the capability to monitor for excess energy use. beyond the capability of: These tests are beyond the capability of an average student
być odłożonym na później, czekać na rozmowę telefoniczną
be on hold
put someone on hold He's on the phone at the moment- can I put you on hold? The celebration was put on hold until Lenny recovered. Her career has been on hold since she sustained a knee injury.
skojarzenie, związek (np. między dwoma wydarzeniami, pomysłami)
a feeling or idea that is suggested by a word in addition to its basic meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation: "Resolute" means stubborn, but with a more positive connotation. What is your connotation of the word "free"?
głód, klęska głodu
widespread famine Another crop failure could result in widespread famine. die of famine There were reports of refugees dying of famine. Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845–46.
ledwie, ledwo, prawie nie, prawie wcale, zaledwie (z dużym wysiłkiem) synonim: h
They have barely enough (= no more than what is needed) to pay the rent this month. She was barely (= only just) 15 when she won her first championship.
nieustraszony, dzielny np. o poszukiwaczu przygód
a team of intrepid explorers
możliwie, być może
Books on every conceivable subject lined one wall. It's just conceivable (= possible although difficult to imagine) (that) the hospital made a mistake.
początkowo, wstępnie, na początku
Initially, most people approved of the new plan. The damage was far more serious than initially believed.
szamotanina, przepychanka, przepychanki, hałaśliwe zachowanie np. polityka
rough and tumble
It was just a bit of rough and tumble. She enjoys the rough and tumble of politics.
przewyższać kogos, byc lepszym, zdominowac
The home team outmatched them. have been completely outmatched by the visitors
sprzeczka, utarczka
She had a skirmish with her boss. There was a short skirmish between the two of them over who would pay for the meal.
próbować, usiłować
The doctors made one last desperate attempt to save the boy's life. This is my second attempt at the exam. He attempted to escape through a window. He attempted a joke, but no one laughed. There's no point in even attempting an explanation.
dopingować kogoś, kibicować komuś
root for sb
The crowds have been large, with the vast majority of the fans rooting for Mexico. Who do you root for in the Super Bowl? Good luck! We're all rooting for you.
osoba z niewielkim doświadczeniem początkująca w jakimś zawodzie, żółtodziób, nowicjusz
a person who is new to an organization or an activity: These rookie cops don't know anything yet. All rookie police officers are required to go through the basic training course. He made an embarrassing rookie mistake.
dawać zastrzyk, wstrzykiwać (np. lekarstwo), zaszczepiać (np. nowe idee, entuzjazm)
The morphine took effect almost as soon as it was injected. If you inject something into an organization, conversation, or exchange, you add it: The contest was intended to inject some friendly competition into the proceedings.
powiedzieć coś bardzo głośno, pogrozić
to move, making a lot of noise: The train thundered past, shaking the whole house. to shout angrily: I never want to see you here again!" he thundered.
uciekać, zwiewać, dawać nogę, kopiować, robić odbitki
run off
to leave somewhere or someone suddenly: You can't run off (home) now, just when I need you! My wife has run off with another man. to make copies of something: She downloaded it, printed it, and ran off copies for her friends.
rozmaity, różnorodny, pomieszany
are not usually connected with each other: miscellaneous household items. His bedroom is full of guitars, keyboards, and miscellaneous instruments. miscellaneous charges/costs/expenses The job helps me pay for food and miscellaneous expenses.
