質問 |
答え |
If you can do something ..., you can do it any time you want 学び始める
to make someone think about something from the past 学び始める
learned in such a way that you can repeat it from memory 学び始める
to spend time thinking pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future 学び始める
not working or being used 学び始める
idle (an idle moment or period of time is one in which there is no work or activity)
to become completely involved in something 学び始める
to use the same methods as someone else in order to defeat them 学び始める
to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction 学び始める
at the last possible moment 学び始める
very similar, especially in appearance 学び始める
to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true 学び始める
take sth with a pinch of salt
someone deserves the punishment given 学び始める
If an event is ..., it cannot start or continue because it is raining 学び始める
a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained 学び始める
whim (we booked the trip on a whim)
in a way that involves great care and attention to detail 学び始める
used to say that a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done without any planning 学び始める
on the spur of the moment
to stop an argument and become friends again 学び始める
made by people, often as a copy of something natural 学び始める
able to work as intended or able to succeed 学び始める
able to exist, perform as intended, or succeed 学び始める
to make someone stop giving their attention to something 学び始める
to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration than it really is 学び始める
to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something 学び始める
If you ..., you intentionally ignore them or show no interest in them 学び始める
give someone/sth the cold shoulder
to force yourself to be brave enough to do something, although you are frightened or worried about it 学び始める
pluck up (the/your) courage to do something
to do something that keeps you busy while you are waiting for something else to happen 学び始める
a way of ending a relationship with someone suddenly by stopping all communication with them 学び始める
to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do 学び始める
to disapprove of something 学び始める
to have a positive opinion of someone or something 学び始める
to (cause to) lose balance and fall down 学び始める
to give something and be given something else instead 学び始める
a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning 学び始める
the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground, usually not including the heel 学び始める
a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man 学び始める
a series of television or radio programmes about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters. The series continues over a long period and is broadcast (several times) every week 学び始める
a city that is the centre of government of a country or smaller political area 学び始める
not shy, especially in a way that shows no respect 学び始める
an offer of a particular amount of money for something that is for sale 学び始める
bid (make a bid, put in a bid)
to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it, him, or her back 学び始める
a large bird with a rounded body and long tail, that spends a lot of time on the ground and is often shot for sport and food, or the meat of this bird 学び始める
to drive a vehicle backwards 学び始める
a tall post with a light at the side of roads and in other public places 学び始める
a vertical stick or pole stuck into the ground, usually to support something or show a position 学び始める
a pole at the side of a road, especially at a point where two or more roads meet, that gives information about routes and distances 学び始める
a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up in the ground to support things 学び始める
to throw something carelessly 学び始める
to move about from side to side or turn a lot in bed, especially because you cannot sleep 学び始める
to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect or expressing thanks to people who have watched you perform 学び始める
towards the direction that is opposite to the one in which you are facing or opposite to the usual direction 学び始める
happening once every year 学び始める
used when you are speaking to or about a royal person 学び始める
to cause something to happen 学び始める
done or experienced by someone 学び始める
on the part of someone/on sb's part
the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities 学び始める
a building used as offices by people working for a city government 学び始める
to be so surprised by something that you cannot say anything 学び始める
to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly 学び始める
thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive 学び始める
describes people or actions that show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly 学び始める
to make a long, high, sad sound 学び始める
to do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it 学び始める