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to eat more to get fatter przybierać na wadze, tuczyć się 学び始める
Most of the farmer’s cattle fatten up on grass in his expansive fields.
a place where oil oozes slowly out of the ground miejsce wypływu ropy z podłoża 学び始める
Contrary to popular opinion, plant and animal life seem to flourish around oil seeps.
widomy, wskazujący na coś 学び始める
The hole in the fence along with blood-covered chicken feathers were tell-tale signs that a fox had attacked the chicken coop.
a device producing a very bright light, used as a signal or for illumination flara, raca 学び始める
Hikers should always take flares with them in case they get lost.
a long flat piece of land, cleared of trees and other obstacles so that aircraft can take off or land safely prowizoryczny pas do lądowania 学び始める
The pilot spotted a landing strip on the edge of the jungle.
nieskazitelny, nieposzlakowany 学び始める
Even though he had been a taxi driver for 35 years, he had never had an accident, and had an unblemished driving record.
doprowadzić do wściekłości, rozwścieczyć 学び始める
Local inhabitants were enraged when they found out a massive rubbish dump was to be opened in the area.
szkodliwy 学び始める
Der.: noxiousness (n) The waste produced by the chemical factory includes dangerous toxins and noxious gases.
a large deep hole for burying rubbish składowisko odpadów 学び始める
Most of the rubbish in the USA is dumped in landfill sites.
the state of being deserted, abandoned and not cared for dewastacja, opuszczenie 学び始める
Der.: derelict (adj) The National Trust bought the old theatre and saved it from dereliction.
slaughtering the weaker members of a herd to keep the numbers down ubój lub odstrzał selektywny 学び始める
Animal rights activists are against all forms of culling.
in a sudden, spontaneous, unpremeditated way pod wpływem impulsu 学び始める
I was walking past the travel agent’s when I saw an advertisement for a cheap holiday in the Bahamas, and on impulse I went and booked it.
pracować jak mrówka 学び始める
John wants to finish his science project early; he has been beavering away at it all weekend.
to persistently follow or bother sb nie odstępować kogoś na krok 学び始める
The famous movie star complained that reporters and fans were continually dogging him.
to give away secret information about sb sypać, donosić na kogoś 学び始める
Don’t tell Jack what you did, he’s always ratting on his friends.
to move about or go somewhere in a relaxed casual way, without a particular purpose or schedule włóczyć się 学び始める
Tracey spent two years swanning around Europe before she went to work in her father’s company.
pędzić 学び始める
As soon as he saw the police car, he hared off down the street.
to baffle, deceive or confuse zbić z tropu, zdezorientować 学び始める
We were all foxed by the fact that Mark hadn’t had a job for months, and yet he seemed to have lots of money to spend.
to repeatedly and annoyingly tell sb to do sth or ask them for sth wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu 学び始める
His wife’s always badgering him to clean out the garage.
to constantly disturb sb or speak to them in an annoying or upsetting way nękać, niepokoić 学び始める
I wish Frank would stop hounding me about that money I owe him; he knows I’ve just been laid off.