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質問 答え
koszt stały na jednostkę
koszt stały na jednostkę wynosi 2 USD, gdy wolumen wynosi 3000 jednostek (6000 USD podzielone przez 3000 jednostek). Gdy wielkość wynosi 4000 jednostek, koszt stały na jednostkę wynosi 1,50 USD (6000 USD podzielone przez 4000 jednostek).
per-unit fixed cost
the fixed cost per unit is $2 when the volume is 3,000 units ($6,000 divided by 3,000 units). When the volume is 4,000 units, the fixed cost per unit is $1.50 ($6,000 divided by 4,000 units).
Korzyści skali
Economies of scale
The greater the quantity of output produced, the lower the per-unit fixed cost.
Economies of scale refer to the cost advantage experienced by a firm when it increases its level of output. The advantage arises due to the inverse relationship between per-unit fixed cost and the quantity produced.
zlecenie wykonania usług na zewnątrz
Moja firma zajmuje się outsourcingiem - rekrutujemy ekspertów na zlecenie zewnętrznych przedsiębiorstw.
My company deals with outsourcing - we recruit experts for third-party businesses.
inwentarz, spis, zapas, magazyn
raw materials, work-in-progress, and completely finished goods that are ready or almost ready for sale. These are considered to be a portion of a company's assets.
czas realizacji zamówienia, okres realizacji zamówienia
lead time
For example, the lead time between the placement of an order and delivery of new cars by a given manufacturer might be between 2 weeks and 6 months, depending on various particularities.
A lead time is the latency between the initiation and completion of a process.
fabryka, maszyny używane w fabryce
John pracuje w zakładzie produkcyjnym w Moskwie.
John works at a production plant in Moscow.
odnoszący się do zarządzania projektami, systemu zarządzania
Business agility is concerned with the adoption and evolution of values, behaviours and capabilities.
These enable businesses and individuals to be more adaptive, creative and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty and change leading to improved well-being and better outcomes.
Lean Management
Lean Management
Lean Management to strategia i system zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem dowolnego typu umożliwiający osiąganie coraz wyższych zysków dzięki doskonaleniu nakierowanemu na potrzeby klientów.
Firma działające wg zasad Lean Management to firma skupiona na tworzeniu maksymalnej wartości dla klienta przy wykorzystaniu minimalnych zasobów, co jest możliwe dzięki doskonale zorganizowanym procesom.
uzupełniać (zapasy), zaopatrzyć
To ważne, by uzupełniać zapasy regularnie.
It's important to replenish stock regularly.
Pull strategy
Pull Marketing Strategy
A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (“pull”) consumers to the product.
Push Marketing Strategy
Push Marketing Strategy
A push marketing strategy, also called a push promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm attempts to take its products to consumers – to “push” them onto consumers.
In a push marketing strategy, the goal is to use various active marketing techniques to push their products to be seen by consumers, sometimes right at the point of purchase.
Pull System
Pull System
A pull system is a Lean technique for reducing the waste of any production process.
Applying a pull system allows you to start new work only when there is customer demand for it. This allows you to reduce overhead and optimize storage costs.
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fef fegrgrg rgeggrgr grgrrgrgrg grgrgwfgwrgef gsrgsrgsrgwrggg sfgsfgsfg fg. fff grgrg rgrgerg rgerg gregr egrgr grgfb rbtbfb fgrbfb brbfbfb fbfbfb gfbfbfb frfrgr grgrg rgrgrg rgrg rbrbrbb rbrbrb rbrbrb brbrb rbrbrb rbrb. rhtth ththh ggg ggg gggg ggggg ggg
