Business communication idioms

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質問 English 答え English
immediately establish a bad relationship with someone when you first meet them or first start working with them
get off on the wrong foot with
I got off on the wrong foot with Patrick.
guess something that is not expressed directly
read between the lines
Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation.
do or say something that makes people feel less shy or nervous in a social situation
break the ice
He told a few jokes to break the ice.
a situation that shows you something surprising that you did not know before
Living in another country can be a real eye-opener.
something that people can agree about, especially when they disagree about other things
common ground
It seems increasingly unlikely that the two sides will find any common ground.
consider an idea, problem, or situation and try to deal with it
take sth on board
The committee will certainly take your opinions on board before making a decision.
deliberately become less active, and give up trying to control things
take a back seat
I’ll be happy to take a back seat when Robin takes over.
