collocations: make cz. 2

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質問 答え
wprowadzać poprawki, nanosić poprawki, korygować, poprawiać, modyfikować, wprowadzać zmiany
syn. make corrections
make adjustments
We've made a few adjustments to the schedule. He also tried to make adjustments to the democratic system. It is first given to the architects who make adjustments and coordinate the finished plan.
umówić się na wizytę (np. u lekarza)
make an appointment
I'd like to make an appointment with Dr Evans, please. Our department expects to make five new appointments (= appoint five new people) this year alone.
insynuować (coś), zarzucać (coś), postawić zarzut
syn. make accusations
make an allegation
Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her. He made allegations of unfair dismissal against his former employers.
zrobić złe wrażenie
make a bad impression
It makes/gives/creates a very bad impression if you're late for an interview.
dokonać przełomu
make a breakthrough
achieve/make a breakthrough At last a breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. He had trained very, very hard to make a breakthrough. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.
dowodzić słuszności czegoś, utwierdzić się w sprawie, przytoczyć argumenty
make a case for something
We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it. Luna, you've made a convincing case for recycling in the workplace. You may say this is not fair, because I'm selecting two countries to make a case against democracy.
wyjaśniać coś, stawiać sprawę jasno
syn. make something explicit
make sth clear
I will not tolerate this behaviour any longer. Do I make myself clear? Let me make it clear - I want to see the report in two hours or you're fired. I wasn't aware that I would be paying - you certainly didn't make it explicit
zobowiązywać się, angażować się
make a commitment
Players must make a commitment to play for a full season. Darren made a commitment to support me. The politicians made a commitment to help the poor.
porównywać, robić porównanie
make a comparison
A ranking system was used to make comparisons of the different methods. hey made a comparison of different countries' eating habits. The material is too limited to make palaeogeographical comparisons.
objeżdżać, jechać okrężną drogą, jechać objazdem
make a detour
You'd be wise to make a detour to avoid the roadworks. That first trip he had to make a long detour to his cousin's house in the mountains to stay the night. we continued to make a detour avoiding the raven.
