collocations: make

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質問 答え
umawiać się na coś, poczynić przygotowania do czegoś
make arrangements for
They'd made all the arrangements for the party. Arrangements were made to move the prisoners to another jail. The school can make arrangements for pupils with special needs.
zmienić coś, spowodować zmianę, wprowadzić zmianę
make a change
They've made a lot of changes to the house. The new management will make fundamental changes to the way that the business is run.
dokonać wyboru
make a choice
Take time to think through all the options before making a choice. It's a difficult choice to make. I think we made the right choice in offering the job to Linda.
skomentować coś
make a comment
Would anyone like to make any comment on the talk? Why do you make a comment on everything I say? I would like to make a comment on the state of our economy.
przyłożyć się do czegoś, przyczynić się do czegoś, mieć w coś wkład
make a contribution to
She didn't make much of a contribution (= she did not say much) at today's meeting, did she? She made a useful contribution to the discussion.
podjąć decyzję
make a decision
I'd strongly advise against making a sudden decision. She has had to make some very difficult decisions. I am glad it's you who has to make the decision, not me.
podejmować wysiłek, postarać się
make an effort
He is really making an effort with his maths this term. Can you please make an effort to do it? You can't expect to have any friends if you don't make the effort with people. Everyone ought to make the effort to vote.
usprawiedliwiać się, znaleźć wymówkę, tłumaczyć się
make an excuse
You're always making excuses for not helping me. I'm not making excuses, but I've been really stressed recently. Please make my excuses at the meeting on Friday.
zaprzyjaźnić się, zakumplować się, zakolegować się
make friends
I've made a lot of friends in this job. He finds it difficult to make friends. She is very good at making friends.
dokonać poprawy, usprawnić
make an improvement
Repainting the room has really made an improvement. They plan to make incremental improvements to existing products and services. We have recommended to our hosts to make improvements in the kitchen, especially if you intend to cook.
popełniać błąd
make a mistake
I do not want you to make a mistake. They've made a mistake in our bill.
telefonować, dzwonić do
make a phone call
She would always stay at school late to make calls to parents to let them know how their children were doing. I've got to make some phone calls before dinner.
robić postępy
make progress
We've made an offer on the apartment and we're waiting to see if the seller accepts it. Incredibly, the homeowner couldn't understand why no one had made an offer. He was alone for just a few minutes and I made my offer.
Holy is making progress with all her schoolwork.
zrobić wyjątek
make an exception
We don't usually accept late applications, but we will make an exception. I wouldn't usually advocate lying, but I'll make an exception. The state bans smoking in restaurants and bars that serve food but makes an exception for places that sell alcohol.
zalecać się, robić przewagę
make an advance
think I should mention... that if you continue to make advances to my fiancée, I shall knock your block off. If we don't do everything we can to make advances, then what is the point?
osiągać korzyści
make gains
However, the gains made by the military were reported to be small. Depending on which way the exchange rate moves, you will make a gain or loss. The court will have to decide whether she lied to make a gain.
osiągać zysk
make a profit
wziąć coś pod uwagę, brać na coś poprawkę
make allowances for
We should make allowance for bad weather and have plenty of umbrellas. Our recruitment procedures should make allowance disabled candidates. You should make allowances for him - he's been ill recently. As an outsider, make allowances for my ignorance!
wziąć nogi za pas, uciekać, biec szybko w kierunku czegoś
make a bolt for
The thief tried to make a bolt for the exit. As she stood up, the young man made a bolt for the door. While my back was turned, one of the pigs made a bolt for freedom. Sensing the hawk above it, the rabbit made a bolt for the closest hole.
oferta przejęcia, oferta wykupu
make a takeover bid
The company made a takeover bid for one of its rivals. Another lender could make a takeover bid for the entire bank. One of the shareholders made a takeover bid in April. The airline considered making a takeover bid for the Spanish operator last year.
poprawiać się w zachowaniu, zmieniać na lepsze, naprawiać (stratę lub szkodę)
make amends
She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner. I wanted to make amends for the worry I've caused you.
przygotować się do czegoś, przewidzieć coś, zabezpieczać coś
make provisions
When designing buildings in this area, you have to make provision against earthquakes. Very few companies make childcare provision for working mothers. Mr King asked if it had ever occurred to her to make provision for her own pension
zarabiać na życie, utrzymywać się
make a living
How do you make a living? She makes her living teaching. It's almost impossible to make a living from writing poetry. I don't know how he makes a living delivering newspapers.
prosić, wystąpić z prośbą, zwracać się z prośbą
make a request
They have made a formal request for access to our financial records. Do your homework before tackling him and make very specific requests. You must be given an answer within 40 calendar days of making a request.
wygłosić przemowę, wygłosić mowę, przemawiać
make a speech
Only one can make the acceptance speech. Someone made a speech about what a great performance he gave.
dojechać szybko
make good time
We made good time – I think it only took us an hour and fifteen minutes. She made good time and was back in the city by 4:00. It was, as a matter of fact, and we were making good time.
zrobić miejsce dla czegoś, wydzielić przestrzeń na coś
make room/space/way
I was wondering if I could make room for a grand piano somewhere in my house. They made room for me on the sofa. They lowered the floor in the basement to make space for a home gym. The community centre was demolished to make space for a new apartment.
przypuszczać, zakładać, brać coś za pewnik
make an assumption
They make the naive assumption that because it's popular it must be good. People tend to make assumptions about you when you have a disability
zbić fortunę, dorobić się na czymś
make a fortune
But if it did work, we could make a fortune. He was usually right, and had made a fortune with his research.
wysuwać żądania
make demands
Now, if people have not been paid in months, how can I make demands? From the start, this group made demands that the church did not. Even when your children grew up they still made demands.
