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答え |
They take their impressions Sie nehmen ihre Abdrücke in gewohnter Umgebung zuhause. 学び始める
in the comfort of their own home. to make/take an impression Costumers take their impressions in the comfort of their own home.
An unorthodox theory may soon Eine unorthodoxe Theorie könnte bald auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. 学び始める
An unorthodox symbiotic theory about the origin of eukaryotes’ defining characteristic may soon be put to the test.
Several discoveries lined Verschiedene Entdeckungen stehen im Einklang mit der Hypothese. 学び始める
up well with the hypothesis. Since those early publications from Takemura and Bell, several discoveries have lined up well with the idea of a viral origin for the nucleus.
Our understanding of their evolution Unser Wissen über ihre Evolution hat sich erweitert. 学び始める
Whole branches of the giant virus family tree have been discovered broadening our understanding of their evolution.
Two decade's worth of advances should Zwei jahrzehntelanger Fortschritt sollte Beweis in Reichweite bringen. 学び始める
bring evidence within reach. But two decades’ worth of advances in technology may finally be bringing that evidence within reach.
Es ist allgemein unüblich, verspätet zu einer Besprechung zu erscheinen. 学び始める
to arrive late for a meeting. Well-known as a watchmaking nation, most Swiss hotly defend their painstaking punctuality. It is not the done thing to arrive late for a business meeting.
The pandemic left survivors with an appetite Die Verbliebenen der Pandemie waren hungrig auf ein rasantes Leben. 学び始める
War had something to do with the Jazz Age’s lack of inhibition. So did the flu pandemic, which killed six times as many Americans and left survivors with an appetite to live the 1920s at speed.
Beschlagnahmte Güter müssen dem Staat «ausgehändigt werden». 学び始める
be handed over to the state. Zuvor wurden beschlagnahmte Güter in ihrer Gesamtheit an die Bundesregierung ausgehändigt. Previously, seized assets had been handed over to the federal government in their entirety.
Diese Ausgaben sind entscheidend im Kampf gegen das Geschäft mit Methamphetamin. 学び始める
to combating methamphetamine dealing. ˌmeθæmˈfetəmiːn/ These expenses are crucial to helping combat the county's extensive methamphetamine problem.
Zu viele Unschuldige fielen durch das Raster. 学び始める
Too many innocent people have fallen through the cracks in a system that, until recently, has been far too heavily slanted in the government's favour.
This backdrop makes the achievement Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint das Erreichte umso bemerkenswerter. 学び始める
Their unanimity on this point is all the more remarkable since in many other questions their discipline admits of a great diversity.
His complete works were performed Sein Gesamtwerk wurde in einer Marathonveranstaltung auf einmal gespielt. 学び始める
In recent years, musicians have surveyed Messiaen's organ works over weeks or months, but the intrepid 27-year-old organist Paul Jacobs performed all of them in one marathon sweep.
This decision aid only displays Diese Entscheidungshilfe zeigt nur die Eipollösung. 学び始める
Among the methods of stimulating labor before 42 completed weeks, the Australian decision aid only displays the membrane sweep, whereas the British one additionally describes natural and alternative ways of labor stimulation.
Participants initially had objections Teilnehmer hatten anfänglich Einwände gegen eine Einleitung der Geburt. 学び始める
against induction of labour. Participants of this study initially had objections against induction of labour; however, once they had passed the “estimated date of delivery”, they changed their minds.
Purine metabolism involves AG Purines are found in high concentration in meat and meat products, especially internal organs such as liver and kidney. 学び始める
the formation of adenine and guanine. Purine is a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound that consists of two rings.
If you're boarding a plane, you're Falls sie gerade ein Flugzeug besteigen, werden Sie unfreundlich ausgeladen zu kommen. 学び始める
uncordially uninvited to come. But if you're about to board a plane to party down with your family and friends, you are uncordially uninvited from the Victory Over COVID celebrations to come.
The obvious advantages of vaccination Die offensichtlichen Vorteile der Impfung setzten sich letztendlich durch. 学び始める
But the obvious advantages of vaccination and the protection it provided won out, and vaccination soon became widespread.
Die Wirklichkeit hat die Eigenart, den Idealfall zu verfehlen. 学び始める
falling short of the ideal. Dies demonstriert nur das Ausmaß inwieweit die Untersuchung wissenschaftliche Standards verfehlt. This is just a measure of the extent to which the research falls short of scientific standards.
Intransigence cannot be allowed Rücksichtslose Unversöhnlichkeit darf Frieden nicht niederwalzen. 学び始める
to ride roughshod over peace. “Promoting active liberty does not mean allowing the majority to run roughshod over minorities. It calls for taking special care that all groups have a chance to fully participate in society and the political process.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fanaticism, terrorism and intransigence cannot be allowed to ride roughshod over common sense and a just and dignified peace.
Copernicus made his theories known Kopernikus veröffentlichte sein Theorien unter der Schirmherrschaft der Kirche. 学び始める
under the auspices of the Church. And while it may be forgotten, it is under the auspices of the Catholic Church that Copernicus made his theories known.
Er fürchtete sich nicht, mich zum Narren zu halten. Simplicio repeats almost verbatim arguments that the Pope himself made to Galileo nearly a decade before. 学び始める
Urban felt betrayed, and his long-held sympathy for Galileo evaporated. "He did not fear to make sport of me," the Pope declared.
Der Papst musste dafür empfänglich gewesen sein. 学び始める
to have been receptive about. Pope Clement VII, who died about a decade before Copernicus, was said to have been receptive about the astronomer’s theories.
Though Maryland did not secede, Obwohl Maryland nicht der Konföderation beitrat, waren viele seiner Bürger "südstaatenfreundlich". 学び始める
many of its citizens had Southern sympathies. During the American Civil War (1861–65), though Maryland did not secede from the Union, many of its citizens had Southern sympathies.
Sie erfuhren großes Leid durch Christliche Welt. On November 2, 1917, British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild. The contents of this letter became known as the Balfour Declaration. 学び始める
at the hands of the Christian world. ... he had been motivated by a desire to do something for the Jews, because they had suffered greatly at the hands of the Christian world...
Durch den Ausbruch des 2. Weltkrieges wurde diese Angelegenheit hinfällig. 学び始める
rendered this issue moot. This point was made moot by the outbreak of World War II and the founding of the State of Israel.