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to give out sth to people 学び始める
The organisation dispenses free healthcare to the poor.
nieodkryty rynek do zagospodarowania
an organized walk by many people 学び始める
any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body 学び始める
He survived the accident with no broken bones.
a strip of leather, fabric or other material that is used to fasten sth 学び始める
the shoulder straps of her dress
the foot of an animal that has claws or nails 学び始める
Take your filthy paws off me.
so surprising that it is difficult to believe 学び始める
There was an astounding 20% increase in sales.
to talk with too much pride about sth that you have or can do 学び始める
I don't want to boast, but I can speak six languages.
used to emphasize a positive statement or answer 学び始める
Was he very angry? Indeed, he was.
to allow people to use (a house etc which one owns) in exchange for money 学び始める
The land is rented out to other farmers.
done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in way that is not very well organized 学び始める
rozpaczliwie, jak oszalały They worked frantically to finish the job.
to trust or have faith in sb/sth 学び始める
You can rely on me to keep your secret.
a baby or very young child 学び始める
a nursery for infants under two
the amount of sth that sth provides 学び始める
My sweater shrank in the water. Their market share shrink.
done completely with great attention to details 学び始める
a thorough knowledge of the subject
consistent aim of innovation 学び始める
pracuje bez żadnych ograniczeń
to fail; to be ruined or destroyed 学び始める
All of our savings have gone down the drain.
to spend a lot of money on sth that you do not really need 学び始める
not stopping or getting less strong 学び始める
niesłabnąco, niepohamowanie He went on relentlessly with his questions.
This has not been a notably succesful project.
easy to do or to understand, not complicated 学び始める
prosty, zwykły, prostolinijny It is quite straightforward to get here.
not objecting to doing sth 学び始める
They keep a list of people willing to work nights.
to make sth continue on the same level 学び始める
Two countries have always maintained close relations.
the dark outline or shape of a person's body or of an object 学び始める
the silhouettes of chimneys and towers
to put sb/sth in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged 学び始める
The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes.
Property prices did not significantly alter during 1999.
weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally 学び始める
She looked very vurnelable standing there on her own.
to lay down the conditions 学び始める
to take claim or dispute to a court of law 学び始める
a claim or complaint against sb that a person or an organization can make in a court of law 学び始める
He filed a lawsuit against his record company.
a person who makes a formal complaint against sb in a court of law 学び始める
a person who is making or defending a claim in a court of law 学び始める
a person in a court of law who is accused of committing a crime, or who is being sued by another person 学び始める
a stupid or careless mistake 学び始める
to make a terrible blunder
to stand or move in an unsteady way so that you look as if you are going to fall 学び始める
She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes.
the part of a gun that you press in order to fire it 学び始める
He kept his finger on the trigger.
if a situation gets out of hand, it cannot be controlled any more 学び始める
wymknąć się spod kontroli Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken.
used meaning „only” or „simply” to emphasize a fact or sth that you are saying 学び始める
It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
to think sth or have an opinion about sth 学び始める
I reckon that I'll get that job.