質問 |
答え |
The daily life of people in the Middle Ages was very different from the way we live today. 学び始める
Laura was expecting to inherit the house, but her dad dashed all her hopes by giving it to charity when he was 55. 学び始める
zniweczyć czyjeś nadzieje
I am not planning my future, I just live day by day, hoping it will all solve itself. 学び始める
We came to a dead end with the task and are struggling to come to the right conclusions. 学び始める
America declared war on Japan in 1941. 学び始める
I have been working really hard for the past month. I really think I deserve some credit, but all you do is criticise me. 学び始める
My granddad died a natural death at the age of 98. 学び始める
umrzeć śmiercią naturalną
Difference of opinion is a daily bread for me and my sister. We are never able to agree with each other. 学び始める
I bought this dress on sale! It was dirt cheap! Just £10! 学び始める
Stop telling all those dirty jokes in front of the children! 学び始める
świński, nieprzyzwoity dowcip/kawał
I got really worried when Anna disappeared from my view as she is not supposed to go anywhere on her own. 学び始める
disappear without a trace My brother left home one day and disappeared without a trace. We don’t know what happened to him. 学び始める
Can you turn the music down? You’re disturbing my peace. 学び始める
I decided to do a good turn by donating some money to charity. 学び始める
You’ve done a great job and we would like to offer you a pay rise! 学び始める
wykonać kawał dobrej roboty
Do as you please, but don’t ask me for advice when you’re in trouble again. 学び始める
I do exercises every morning. 学び始める
robić ćwiczenia (np. w zeszycie)
I don’t want to do harm to anybody. I just practice martial arts to stay fit. 学び始める
I always do my duties to the best of my abilities. That’s why I am a valued worker. 学び始める
wypełniać swoje obowiązki
do something behind somebody’s back Laura and I are no longer friends. She has been talking about me behind my back, and I just can’t accept such behaviour. 学び始める
zrobić coś za czyimiś plecami
I had to do it for money. I was in a really bad financial situation back then. 学び始める
robić/zrobić coś dla pieniędzy
do something for the fun of it Let’s do it just for the fun of it. Come on! I am sure you’d enjoy being spontaneous once in a while! 学び始める
robić coś dla zabawy/przyjemności
do something from nothing Anne is an amazing cook. She can prepare a really tasty dish from absolutely nothing. 学び始める
zrobić coś z niczego, od podstaw
Heather is a teacher but she does some tour-guiding on the side. Teaching doesn’t pay too well. 学び始める
do something out of habit I don’t really watch TV much but I always have it switched on when I am home – purely out of habit. 学び始める
robić coś z przyzwyczajenia
Sam, do the dishes, please. The dishwasher is broken. 学び始める
I do some volunteer work every summer. It gives me a sense of achievement. 学び始める
pracować jako wolontariusz
I’d do whatever possible to get this job. I am sure I would be great at it! 学び始める
zrobić co tylko możliwe, aby
Drinking 2 litres of water a day can do wonders for your skin. 学び始める
czynić cuda, dokonywać cudów
I want you to do all the tasks from page 1, only the task nr. 1 from page 2, and the first half of page 3. Do you follow me? I don’t want anyone to tell me tomorrow that they did not know what to do for the homework. 学び始める
Excuse me, do you happen to know where the nearest bank is? 学び始める
"– Do you have a light?
– No, I don’t smoke, sorry." 学び始める
masz ogień? (zapałki, zapalniczkę)
do you mind if I open the window? "– Do you mind if I open the window?
– Not at all." 学び始める
nie będzie ci przeszkadzało, jeśli otworzę okno?
You really have to try and finish it by tomorrow. We have a deadline on Friday but we need everything double-checked, just in case. Do you see what I mean? 学び始める
rozumiesz, o co mi chodzi?
Does it really matter what I wear for the meeting? 学び始める
czy to naprawdę ma znaczenie?
Does that dress work for you? I really don’t feel comfortable in it. 学び始める
does this mean anything to you? Sarah says that you need to give the “thing” to her by tomorrow. Does it mean anything to you? 学び始める
Don’t ask me! I’ve never even been to Spain. How can I know what the most famous market in Barcelona is called? 学び始める
mnie pytasz? (sam chciałbym to wiedzieć)
Don’t make me laugh now! They’ll kick us out of the class in a second if we keep on behaving like that. 学び始める
"– Thank you very much for driving me home.
– Don’t mention it." 学び始める
nie ma za co! (odpowiadając na podziękowania)
"– The essay deadline is tomorrow.
– Don’t remind me! I haven’t even started working on it yet!" 学び始める
At the end of the meeting we managed to draw a conclusion from last year’s situation and came up with a new action plan. 学び始める
draw attention away from something Anne’s presentation was really good, but the road works outside our office drew everyone’s attention away from what she had to say. 学び始める
None of us wanted to move into the smallest room so we decided to draw lots. 学び始める
I always dress in black when I have to look smart. 学び始める
You really shouldn’t drink and drive. It’s dangerous! 学び始める
prowadzić w stanie nietrzeźwym, jechać po pijanemu
Your music is driving me absolutely crazy. Can you turn it down for a while! I really have to study! 学び始める
doprowadzać kogoś do szaleństwa
drive somebody to despair I have been applying for jobs for about a month now and nothing comes my way. The whole situation is really driving me to despair. 学び始める
doprowadzać kogoś do rozpaczy
It was already midnight and Anna was still at my place. I really needed her to leave as I was to get up really early the next day. I had to drop a hint, otherwise, she would never have left. 学び始める
I am afraid that’s just a drop in the bucket of what it takes to help Africa. 学び始める
I’ll drop you a line later on this week to let you know how it’s going. What’s your e-mail address, anyway? 学び始める
napisać parę słów do kogoś
We managed to drum up a lot of support for the cause and now it’s got national coverage in the media. 学び始める