Check that the rope is taut before climbing.
"This is Major Wyan..." a taut voice come.
taut violin strings; Keep the rope taut.
There was a high fence stretching miles around the whole perimeter, taut and level all the way, no weeds at its base
Gradually his taut posture relaxed.
taut stomach
When he was a meter from the wall, the line went taut.
Then, with the help of the local Indians, August Jack and Willie Khahtsahlano and a team of horses, he pulled taut the first hemp rope and cedar plank bridge 450 feet across the Capilano River.
a taut rope. Victoria's Secret model Doutzen Kroes shows off her taut stomach during Miami family
I feel tense and agitated when I have too much work to do.
Every muscle in his body was tense and ready to attack.
tense situation/atmosphere/moment
The international situation had become so tense, it would require proficient diplomats to handle it with kid gloves.
I say "should", because theses written in the present tense are still seen around and about.
The future progressive tense is used when expressing events and action in progress at some future point, however the example sentence cannot be understood in that way.
It's very interesting that in Chinese the concept of tense does not exist.
Adverbial time clauses (here 'when') write about the future in the present tense.
These sentences only differ with respect to tense.
The example is a past progressive tense sentence. How was everybody taught when they were learning about progressive tense?
In the official question collection it is explained as being "passive voice of the present continuous tense".
I’m feeling a bit tense and nervous about my job interview tomorrow.
I felt very tense about driving, and the test was a disaster.
An example of tense is the way to describe a student just before he takes a big and important test.
I have been feeling rather tense all day
英語 "という言葉napjatý"(tense)集合で発生します。
300 most important Czech adjectives 201 - 225