辞書 チェコ - 英語

český jazyk - English

stanoveny 英語で:

1. determined

I am determined to put the plan into practice no matter what others may say.
I'm determined to succeed.
Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect.
A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.
No sooner had I come into contact with him than I determined to get to know him well.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
Knowing their languages is not enough to communicate effectively, because the methods of communication are determined by their cultures.
It's nobody's fault but yours. I'm determined to make you take the responsibility.
It was determined that the picking of one's nose is a completely normal act for adolescent boys.
Beauty cannot be determined objectively but depends on personal aesthetic criteria.
Eleanor though the daughter of a king and brought up in the greatest luxury determined to share misfortune with her husband.
Although Chemistry class was very difficult, some of the students were determined to succeed and refused to give up.
determined persistent, someone who doesn't give up on something easily
Businesses are culturally determined

英語 "という言葉stanoveny"(determined)集合で発生します。

English by me

2. established

England established many colonies.
The scientific truth of evolution is so overwhelmingly established, that it is virtually impossible to refute.
Bernard Kouchner, who established Medecins Sans Frontieres, did not oppose the Iraq war.
November 23rd is Labor Thanksgiving Day, which was established as a national holiday to stress the importance of labor in people's minds.
No one may be questioned about his opinions, and the same for religious opinions, provided that their manifestation does not trouble the public order established by the law.
The applicability of any given comment depends on topics already established within the conversation.
The biologist classifies the newly found species in its own genus, whereas other taxonomists want to put it into an established genus.
The requirements which are defined between the contract partners shall be established
Impressive isn't it. A company that's only just been established but it's already got many outlets and is in fashion.
The revolutionary government, while raising troops from the masses and fighting a defensive battle, established a republic and executed Louis XVI.
Governments, in order to teach how to enjoy cell phones without being controlled by them, have established behavior rules that limit their use in public places, such as in churches, in schools, or during tests.
Peer helpers made the teacher's job a lot easier, but established a cruel hierarchy among the students.
The Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies, established in 1960, is the legislature that holds the highest jurisdiction in the society of exiled Tibetans.