辞書 英語 - 英語

English - English

bore 英語で:

1. bear bear

The bear left no stone unturned in his search for fat bugs under the rocks.
polar bear
Appointing Cuddles the Bear to the position of Secretary of Defense was one of the defining mistakes of Dolly's brief career as president of the People's Democratic Republic of Tea Time.
In the fourth place, even if we succeeded in carrying off the bear cubs, we could not run up a mountain without stopping to rest.
As long as a bear is relatively inactive, and is not exposed to wind, it does not burn excessive energy in cold weather.
The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. He couldn't bear to see the dog in pain. I can't bear being bored.
In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals.
It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.
He who seeketh horse or wife without flaws, may forsake his work and bear in mind that bed and stable forever empty he will keep.
The weight of the world is a dangerous thing to try to bear. Take only a small fraction, and the rest of it will soon follow - crushing you.
But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.
It's gonna rain. Bears fly low. / Who's that bear you've brought with you?
bear {rzecz.} niedźwiedź, miś, misiek | to bear {czas.} znieść, urodzić, znosić, nosić, donieść ciążę, cierpieć, ścierpieć stanowić podporę
To survive, the polar bear must keep its body at the right temperature and store enough energy to last between meals that could be a few days or a few months apart.
By the way, this week - no matter what flags are set - it's a certainty that there will be no ecchi scenes. You'll just have to bear with it a while.

英語 "という言葉bore"(bear)集合で発生します。

czasowniki nieregularne
Past Simple - Easy
Irregular Verbs
Czas przeszły cz. 1
Irregular Verbs

2. boredom boredom

It was boredom that Aldous Huxley considered one of the most dangerous human conditions.
In his boredom he thought of this and that.
Disrespect, boredom, too much time on Facebook, having sex with other people.
that is what boredom is all about
I nearly died of boredom.
I need to do something, or the boredom will kill me.
A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom.
But summer boredom was nothing like the school boredom that always started by the end of the second
Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.
I am no match for boredom.
I distracted myself from the boredom of my long journey by reading mysteries.

英語 "という言葉bore"(boredom)集合で発生します。

Słowotwórstwo - angielski