辞書 フィンランド - 英語

suomen kieli - English

-ssa, sisällä 英語で:

1. within within

The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.
Apply within.
The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one's religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders.
Furthermore, experiments were never carried out against the rules but were performed always well within them - otherwise they would not be recognized as experiments at all.
April is in my mistress’ face, and July in her eyes hath place; Within her bosom is September, but in her heart a cold December.
Certainly there are inequalities in level of education even within a generation, but there have been no visible inequities between machines and materials in recent years.
Let us be fully aware of all the importance of this day, because today within the generous walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer have met not French with English, nor Russians with Polish, but people with people.
We were founded upon the ideal that all are created equal, and we have shed blood and struggled for centuries to give meaning to those words – within our borders, and around the world.
Within the rape crisis movement, Greesite's dissent is significant.
Leaders responsible for Picking Area are using the trailer visualization for quick checking the amounts of full and mixed pallets within shipments.
The languages that have been transliterated within the Tatoeba Project are Japanese, Chinese, Shanghainese, Georgian and Uzbek.
A temperature gradient within the enclosure is considered beneficial. Zróżnicowanie temperatury w obrębie pomieszczeń dla tych zwierząt uznaje się za korzystne.

英語 "という言葉-ssa, sisällä"(within)集合で発生します。

TOP 1000 englannin kielen sanaa 551-600