辞書 フィンランド - 英語

suomen kieli - English

ommel 英語で:

1. stitch stitch

He had to have 7 stitches.
A stitch in time saves nine.
He didn't do a stitch of work.
Saulius has three stitches on his forehead.
My grandmother can sew with decorative stitches.
He had to have 7 stitches. She had to have three stitches to her left hand.
I went to hospital to have my stitches taken out.
The doctor stitched the cut in his arm carefully.
Jack is a stitch. Everybody wants to be around him, because it's the best way to have a lot of fun.
I can't run anymore. I have a stitch.
Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.
they stitched the cut on her face