辞書 ヘブライ語 - 英語

עברית - English

הוכחה 英語で:

1. proof proof

The proof is trivial.
You can't accuse him of stealing unless you have proof.
In the absence of sufficient proof, the police could not indict him.
The police were sure he did it, but there wasn’t proof.
Courses in analysis begin with the fundamental notions of mathematical logic, important proof techniques, and the construction of real and complex numbers.
Take the child away into the forest; I never want to see her again. Kill her, and bring me back this handkerchief soaked in her blood as proof.
In order to buy a car, you must show the ward office proof of parking space.
Also cracks may form in buildings that aren't Earthquake proof.
The sentences "Let's eat grandpa." and "Let's eat, grandpa." are only one proof that punctuation can change a lot.
I think it is the best proof that we play fair in every area of our activities
proof of address
"How ​old are you?" "21." "Do you have any proof on you?" / Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who ​stole the ​goods?
If he can’t show proof that he wasn’t there during the robbery, he will be found guilty.
This further proof that the chairman of the board is a few croutons short of a salad.