辞書 ヘブライ語 - 英語

עברית - English

יריב 英語で:

1. rival rival

The gangsters let him in on their plan to knock off a rival gang leader.
It is not my business to worry about my rivals.
face her rival
Don't hold your rival cheap.
Two rival parties are essential to good democratic government.
Christopher Columbus's secret love letters to Queen Isabella - undiscovered for centuries - have been rumored to rival, if not surpass, the Kama Sutra.
This new product of ours is a serious blow to our rival company.
The incumbent's rival is taking issue with the claim that crime was reduced by 50% under the current administration.
His rival was discouraged by his triumph.
Our team competed with a powerful rival.
In their personal life they are best friends but when it comes to their job they become rivals!
Since the favorite and his rival were running against each other a dark horse like him was able to pull out in front.
Ships can't rival aircraft for speed.
face her rival / person, team, company that you are competing with
My biggest rival in the race is my big brother, who is very fast on the track.