辞書 ヘブライ語 - 英語

עברית - English

לַחקוֹר 英語で:

1. Explore Explore

We need to explore all possible cures for cancer.
Let's explore the ocean!
We can't make a mistake. We need to explore all the possibilities before we do anything.
We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.
We want to explore an underwater oil field.
Have you ever explored one of those villages?
I want to explore the topic of global warming.
Archeologist explored this things.
We put up our tents and began to explore the island.
We'll have to explore this issue further.
The ​film ​explores the combat between good and ​evil.
People still explore seas and oceans.
I'm going to explore coral reefs.
The town is a good base from which to explore this charming corner of Italy.
One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.