辞書 日本の - 英語

日本語, にほんご - English

設備 英語で:

1. Facility

This is a nuclear-proof facility.
Littering in this facility is subject to a maximum fine of $500.
Aferesis facility, hospital facility
Protesters have been demonstrating outside the new research facility. The training facility is scheduled to open in April 2005.
Her facility with English is wonderful.
He wrote a letter with great facility.
This company has modern facilities. / This is exactly why we have increased energy security, are supporting the creation of jobs and introducing a microfinance facility.
Along with a facility for languages, the fledgling student quickly demonstrated an aptitude for computers and taught himself programming.
Almost every facility needed for life is available in the town
The government is planning to build a new nuclear research facility. I've just bought a cell phone with internet facility.
This facility allows the user to input text onto the screen.
Do you have facility management unit in your company?
There is a conference facility in this business centre.
The facility for there to be just one recognised translation gives us a practical solution.
By the way, do you know what a Shinto shrine is? "I've a little bit of knowledge on the subject. It's a religious facility where that which is the object of worship, that called the genius loci, is enshrined."

2. equipment

photographic equipment
Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment.
Japanese automakers are investing heavily in new plant and equipment.
After business came to a halt, many bathhouses added new facilities, such as saunas and exercise equipment, in an effort to attract customers.
By then Tony was in his middle sixties and still able to work hard, but he had a brand-new truck now, a new mower, a lot of other equipment and three people helping him.
Japanese cameras, cars, and hi-fi equipment are used widely abroad, and few modern industries can manage without advanced electronic equipment developed in Japan.
I bet you'd never heard of a Stroh violin before Tom Waits dug it back up! Anyway, it used a large metal horn as its resonator instead of a wooden box so it could be picked up better by recording equipment before the late 1920s.
This shopping district is the only high street in the local area; it stocks the whole line-up from products for daily life to school study equipment.
That sports are gaining in popularity all over the world is evidenced by the sports news in the papers, by the many sports equipment stores, and by the number of runners who participate in marathons or other races.
This song samples a bunch of old American funk records from the 70s using equipment from the 90s.
Special equipment on the ground picks up – or receives – the data
Private sponsors supplied the Mount Everest expedition with all necessary climbing equipment.
The students had a party to raise money to buy new equipment, like musical instruments, for the school.
They may be exposed to dangerous conditions at times, and will use gloves, helmets, and other safety equipment to minimize injury.
These new techniques are not working with this equipment. Should we replace it with a new one?

英語 "という言葉設備"(equipment)集合で発生します。

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