辞書 グルジア - 英語

ქართული - English

უმაღლესდამთავრებული 英語で:

1. Graduate Graduate

It is often said that Japanese universities are difficult to enter, but easy to graduate from.
I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker.
graduate studies
I'm a high school graduate so I am that much able to answer high school problems and such.
Professor Goto directed my graduate work.
He will struggle to graduate if he does not make progress.
Kimura is a Tokyo university graduate who became a taxi driver. According to some people's standards, he might be considered a failure, but I think it's fine as long as he likes driving.
I'm a university graduate.
There are many possible careers for philosophy graduates.
As a Cambridge graduate, you will have no problem finding a well-paid job.
my friend's doughter is an oxford graduate
Meanwhile, around 3 million young people graduate from university every year in Europe
You need to be a university graduate to apply for a job as a secondary school teacher.
graduate is someone who has completed a university degree, especially a first degree
I graduated from high school about three years ago. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this area.

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