辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

Święty Mikołaj 英語で:

1. Santa Claus Santa Claus

Santa Claus comes to us
Do you believe in Santa Claus?

英語 "という言葉Święty Mikołaj"(Santa Claus)集合で発生します。

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3. Santa Santa

Santa Ana stepped down as president.
I don't believe that Santa Claus is imaginary.
Santa Ana begged for mercy.
He believes in Santa Claus.
Santa Ana was living in exile in Cuba.
I was nine years old when I asked my mom if Santa Claus really existed.
Santa Ana's army was destroyed.
The child's face glowed when he saw Santa Claus.
Santa Claus was standing in the garden.
Tom showed her the letter from Santa Claus.
He disguised himself as Santa Claus to please his children.
Santa Claus is dropping from the sky!
My mother says Japanese kids aren't naughty, but they live very far away, so Santa Claus doesn't bring them gifts. Thank goodness I was born in Spain.
Santa Claus, I want to receive a girlfriend for Christmas.
Some think that a belief in Santa Claus is on a par with belief in God.