辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

Odebrać kogoś 英語で:

1. Pick sb up

pick sb up at the airport

英語 "という言葉Odebrać kogoś"(Pick sb up)集合で発生します。

unit 3 kolumna 2

2. package holiday

I don't want to go on another package holiday to Greece this year. I want to do something more adventurous.
I understand that you want to book a package holiday.
Mary likes going on package holidays as she doesn't have to worry about anything.
We are taking a cheap package holiday this year, which means we don’t need to worry about booking tickets and hotels.
Many travel agents have extremely good deals on package holidays to the Caribbean, with everything included in the price.
I will buy a package holiday at the travel agency
We choose this package holiday to Greece.
I am not a fan of a package holiday. I like adventures.
I prefer package holiday to booking everything myself

英語 "という言葉Odebrać kogoś"(package holiday)集合で発生します。

Unit 2 part 2

3. Pick up

It's easier to pick up English when among Englishmen.
pick up mushrooms
She had a brain tumor, unfortunately we didn't pick up.
I find it very difficult to pick up languages, it takes me lots of practice.
As I was staying at my friends' in London, I tried to pick up some English slang.
I have to pick up Brad at Jeff's after dinner. / 2. If you're in, pick up.
Don’t forget to stop by EnglishClass101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
i spent a month in Florence and was able to pick up quite a bit of italian
The number of applicants will pick up during the autumn.
I dropped Sara off at school. - I picked Sara up from school. / Can you please pick up my dress from the cleaners on your way home? / If you're in, pick up. / Please come back here and pick up your jacket.
You will probably pick up more of the meaning with each listen.
How long should it take to learn English? The answer depends on many things, such as your motivation and your age. But you’re never too old to pick up some tips to speed up your learning.
Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.
We’re hoping that things will pick up in the next quarter. This quarter has been terrible.
if a business or social situation picks up. If the wind pick up it becomes stronger

4. Call for

call for equality
I'll call for you tomorrow
The problem is when we begin to feel fear and anxiety in situations that don't call for it.
Big problems call for big solutions.
Nobody should call for violence.
I left my umbrella in your house, can I call for it this evening? You have to pack tonight. Tomorrow I’ll call for you at 7 a.m. sharp.

英語 "という言葉Odebrać kogoś"(Call for)集合で発生します。

Pharsal Verbs

5. Pick somebody up

6. Pick someone up