1. In addition
NEVER: in additional
Writing transitions: in addition, furthermore, moreover, another
If, in addition, they manage to sell something, prosperity is assured.
Nouns in Genitive obtain in addition an -s and stand normally to the left of the noun
英語 "という言葉W dodatku"(In addition)集合で発生します。
Linking words2. In addition to this
英語 "という言葉W dodatku"(In addition to this)集合で発生します。
GOIT Lesson 3. Why did you leave your previous job?Linking words - matura3. additionally
Additionally, the tale starting with "Genji's Story" was also much loved.
Shugo is a colloquial way of referring to someone who can drink large quantities of alcohol and additionally not feel the effects of intoxication.
Each opportunity to hate the French and to let them know is good to seize. If additionally you can take one for a ride, it's even better!