run ran run
英語 "という言葉biec"(run ran run)集合で発生します。
czasowniki nieregularne poziom a2nieregularne, BRAINY 7, część 2czasowniki nieregularne cz. 2Czasowniki angielskie nieregularne / wszystkieCzasowniki nieregularne v2 poprawiona2.
You run.
She got a run in her stocking when she broke the heel of her shoe.
I was going to run over the notes one last time, but there wasn't time.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
They have run this small hotel since it was established.
I like to do a few exercises to loosen up before I run.
I was late for the bus, late for work, and got a run my stockings.
Please write me a letter whenever you run into trouble.
Northerners had expected to win the Battle of Bull Run.
You've run into some trouble or something?
She knew that if she started to cry her mascara would run.
A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast.
Will you run down to the corner and buy me a paper?
Lots of women both run a home and go out to work.
英語 "という言葉biec"(run)集合で発生します。
English Top 1000 250-300Julek sprawdzian j. angielskiPast Simple nieregularne/1/Movement VocabularyB2 near misses3.
The race was fixed.
You cannot participate in race, it is for professional sportsmen only.
The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
The race developed into a free-for-all but Shinomiya lapped the group and in the final stage steadily piled on points with good timing to achieve victory.
An ardent affection for the human race makes enthusiastic characters eager to produce alteration in laws and governments prematurely.
I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: "The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair." In these words he epitomized the history of the human race.
Due to this a lot of time was lost, it's possible that if it wasn't for this accident the final stage of the race would have been better.
For this race, people under the age of 35 (including 35) join the young people's group; people from 36 to 50 years old join the middle-aged group and people 51 or over join the elderly group.
A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses and frizzy hair resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth.
Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
Far from refuting the thesis that race is to blame for lower IQ score, Lynn's data actually supports it.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
英語 "という言葉biec"(race)集合で発生します。
Kolokwium nr1.Egzamin angielski4.
We ran a hundred-meter dash.
The rain stopped just long enough for me to dash into the cafe without getting wet.
a dash of salt
Coffee with a dash of milk please
Sometimes you can use a dash instead of a comma
Don't dash off a sloppily written report filled with mistakes.
In a hundred meter dash she started last but soon caught up with the others.
where are you dashing?
I dashed straight round to hospital.
he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
In a fit of rage James had dashed the priceless vase to the ground.
My mother, when she still cooked, always added a dash of sugar to the vegetables she stir-fried.
Definition if you dash somewhere, you go there in a hurry because you do not want to be late and you do not have much time to get there
I made a dash for the bathroom. / There was a mad dash for the exit.
She really cut a dash in her pink evening gown.
run down
The battery has run down.
hit and injure sb with a vehicle/My dog was run down by a bus.
My father worked very hard last month and now he is run down.
She got run down outside school.
I’ll just run down the list and see if we’ve forgotten anything.
She feels run down after working so hard recently.