辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

kolidować 英語で:

1. interfere

Don't interfere
Examinations interfere with the real purpose of education.
Don't let schooling interfere with your education.
He said the United States would not interfere.
Large countries shouldn't interfere with smaller countries.
A tight belt will interfere with circulation of the blood.
It is a private conversation - I wish you wouldn't interfere.
I don't want to interfere but...
The bark of my dog interfered with my sleep.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
Will the delay not interfere with the next outlet
if you interfere, you become involved in a situation when your help or advice is not wanted. An interfering person interferes a lot
A helpful general definition of restraint is: "anything which interferes with, or stops, a resident doing what they appear to want to do
We libertarians believe that Government should interfere in people's lives as little as possible.
Slave revolts interfere with Middle Passage.

英語 "という言葉kolidować"(interfere)集合で発生します。

How to get rich
ortopedia AO
angielski 85
Breaking Bad
Moje nowe słówka

2. to collide

英語 "という言葉kolidować"(to collide)集合で発生します。

time and money
19.06 -23.06

3. clash

His interests clash with mine.
The chance that cultures will clash is smaller
Students clashed with police after demonstrations at five universities.
The two meetings clash.
This problem is the clash of the idol's and obsessive fan's egos.
I had a clash with my best friend over his good-for-nothing girlfriend and now he won't speak to me.
Their interests clashed when it turned out that they had to choose. Many young people clash with their parents over what time they must be home at night.
The clash between Europe's development policies and its trade policies is a reality.
clash of customs, tastes
Don't put red and pink together, it's a terrible clash of colours!
I'm seeing a clash of interests here.
in clashes between
the air was rent with shrieks and the clash of steel
They were from the same country, but what a culture clash
Urban fox lovers arrested in town hall clash!

英語 "という言葉kolidować"(clash)集合で発生します。

powtorzenie do egzaminu
65. 14.03.2023