辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

komunikacji 英語で:

1. communicating communicating

To reduce misunderstandings we should learn the techniques for communicating successfully.
We didn't have a problem communicating

英語 "という言葉komunikacji"(communicating)集合で発生します。

Assessment 1 IMS
Korki - 8.01.2018
world formations

2. Communications Communications

Communications broke down.
Communications have been cut off for two hours because of a thunderstorm.
They monitored the enemy's radio communications.
The final decision was soon communications to all the members of the club.
satellite communications
Leave the bike here, and tomorrow bring your ID and 20 dollars to the Bureau of Communications to get the bike back.

英語 "という言葉komunikacji"(Communications)集合で発生します。

vocab test u1