辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

kuc 英語で:

1. forge

<forge a close relationship>
You forged my signature!
If you forge a signature, you'll do it illegally
Our countries forged an alliance.
a forged passport
During the 1970s, the US forged trade links with China. / She forged a new career as a poet and songwriter.
The painting was forged
They forged the horseshoes in the forge.
to forge a bond
If, like me, you're wearing a gold ring, it was forged in a supernova explosion.
A ​number of forged ​works of ​art have been ​sold as ​genuine.
The hand-forged hook projected from the head of the small tuna.
The accident forged a close bond between the two families.
forge check
that super highway, we’re going to forge through this really thick, dense

2. sting

I got a nasty sting from a wasp.
Multiple stings may be fatal to humans
The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.
Do these insects sting?
I got a bee sting.
Do those insects sting?
a bee sting
My eyes were stinging with the salt in the water.
Some learned writers have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram, because as the sting of the Scorpion lies in the tail, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion.
large swarms can hurt people by stinging them repeatedly
My aunt made an incredible sting on April Fools' last year.
do all types of bee sting?
Our last sting was a failure.
Bees sting very painfully.
I would rub the sting with a towel to clean it.