辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

muzyka ludowa 英語で:

1. folk music folk music

I'm keen on folk music.
My family likes folk music.

英語 "という言葉muzyka ludowa"(folk music)集合で発生します。

kartkówka II tura - Ang. rozdział 9
Music słownictwo angielski cz1
kulturalne samobójstwo popełnimy jutro po lekcji
153 angielski cześć 2
Matura PP - cz. 9 - Kultura

2. folk folk

Many folk songs were about social problems.
In the 1960s, folk music was very popular.
Tom played a Spanish folk tune on his English horn at a Chinese restaurant in France.
Do you like folk?
On the other hand, there seem to be those among young folk who, while touching on Buddhism, have started to think of it as a vital spiritual support.
However you could say that being found hard to understand by the common folk for one's genius is fate.
While clearly outside of his element at, say, a Western-style karaoke bar, he could easily whip out a Brazilian folk song in seven-eight meter on his berimbau.
Where's that superstition from? "Call it folk wisdom."
But it is specially evil that the young maiden folk are exceedingly bold of speech and bearing, and curse like troopers, to say nothing of their shameful words and scandalous coarse sayings, which one always hears and learns from another.
Most folk would find what I did hard to understand.
Like these ignorant folk... you also believe Sidhu is Liu Sheng.
His interest in folk music began at the age of 19.
Have you already seen the exhibition presenting Polish folk traditions?
The country fair was full of folk from the local villages.
My older brother started to take interest in Japanese folk songs when he was around 12 years old.

英語 "という言葉muzyka ludowa"(folk)集合で発生します。

Music unit 4