辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

objadać 英語で:

1. overeat

It's not good to overeat.
I think that as long as I don't overeat, I will certainly lose weight.
Don't get carried away and overeat.
overate; overeaten
There is evidence that overeating is one of the main causes of obesity...
If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't overeat.

2. sponge on

3. binge

I think there are many who binge eat from stress.
You should avoid binge eating.
Binge drinking can damage the amygdala.
Ken's gone on a binge with his mates. Whenever she's depressed she binges on chocolates.
Binge drinking........ binge eating........ over excess...
He went on a five day drinking binge.
even if it’s binge-watching Netflix or spending hours on the Daily Mail
binge-eating disorder
Franz went on a binge last night and is very sick this morning. Bill loves to spend money on clothes. He's out on a binge right now—buying everything in sight.
I binge on chocolate nearly every night.
were three times more likely to binge drink,
I’ll have clients that say I went on a three-day binge, so I didn’t really want
Julie gains 20 pounds every month from her eating binge.
After winning the lottery she went on a shopping binge.

4. gorge yourself