Babies crawl before they walk.
Can you do the crawl?
I'm so embarrassed I could dig a hole and crawl into it.
The sight of the centipede on the wall was enough to make my skin crawl.
That night I could hardly crawl into bed, I was so tired and sore. I often noticed that some foreigners who studied Japanese reached the peak of their language capability at the end of their period of language learning.
You've sprained your ankle and can't walk can you? "No, I'm fine! I can move forward at a crawl!"
His works include live maggots crawling over a dead animal.
First he started to walk and than he learnt to crawl.
How does a baby move before it learns to walk? A baby crawls on its hands and knees.
To get through this low tunnel we’ll have to crawl on our hands and knees.
I was watching a spider crawling across the ceiling and listening to my parents arguing about housework.
He crawls throught frozen tundra.
This huge insect was crawling on his face while he was asleep
the traffic is terrible and the cars just crawl along most of the time
Crawl forward is done much more agilely - scuttle like a cockroach!
英語 "という言葉pełzać"(crawl)集合で発生します。
matura prime time intermediate module 31 - 4 marca 2023Icelandic rye breadKing Crimson - EpitaphVocabulary VI - Movement2. creep
The little boy creeps down the stairs every night to steal cookies.
The assassin silently creeped through the forest.
This guy is creepy/is giving me the creeps
The cat took advantage of the high grass to creep on the bird.
When the news reveals that one such dude “might have been a creep at Yale,” she added, “it doesn't shatter any illusions.” On Monday, an open letter from alumnae who stand in support of Ramirez—and Ford—began to circulate online.
I tried to creep down the corridor quietly.
I don't want you hanging out with those creeps at night.
creeping weight
He's a creep, known for stalking celebrities.
What would a nice girl want with a creep like him?
Someone was creeping around outside my window.
Jake is a good man, but he's a creep too.
It’s very easy to hide scope creep and unnecessary work in a pile of several dozen items.
The guy couldn´t creep more.
We will creep towards their tent and when we're close enough I'll give you a sign.
英語 "という言葉pełzać"(creep)集合で発生します。
Słówka do egzaminu cz. XICzęść IX s. 73-81Tamara 2023 Q43. slither
A snake slithered across the grass.
a slither of a knife blade, an ax, and an old pot with a hole
英語 "という言葉pełzać"(slither)集合で発生します。
208 od zwierzat4. creep up
you can feel the cold beginning to creep up on you,
英語 "という言葉pełzać"(creep up)集合で発生します。
What lies beneath - chapter 2Vocabulary 13