辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

proszek do prania 英語で:

1. washing powder washing powder

I can't do the laundry - we're out of washing powder.
My washing powder doesn't wash very good.
This washing powder smells funny.
The company is launching a new brand of washing powder.
Can the colours of clothes fade if you neglect to use proper washing powder?
Can you buy the washing powder?

英語 "という言葉proszek do prania"(washing powder)集合で発生します。

room attendant, maid, chambermaid słówka
Objects and things in the home
Repetytorium rozszerzone macmillan - Dział 2
prace w domu i ogrodzie
UNIT 3: Things you need

2. laundry detergent laundry detergent

英語 "という言葉proszek do prania"(laundry detergent)集合で発生します。

dangerous chemicals
Water purity - 1