辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

przesadny 英語で:

1. fulsome

His latest novel has received fulsome praise from the critics
He immediately became almost fulsome in his effort to detain me.

英語 "という言葉przesadny"(fulsome)集合で発生します。

Fiszki z książki - "The Bores" (Moliere)
Fiszki z książki - "Sir Isaac Brock" (Hugh S. Eayrs)
Fiszki z książki - "Editorial Wild Oats" (Mark Twain)
Fiszki z książki - "Helpfully Yours" (Evelyn E. Sm...
Fiszki z książki - "Hieroglyphic Tales" (Horace Wa...

2. overdone

You've overdone it.
The comic scenes in the play were overdone.
"Don't you think his politeness is overdone?"

英語 "という言葉przesadny"(overdone)集合で発生します。

Fiszki z książki - "Learning to Be a Schoolmaster"...
The adoration of Jenna Fox
Fiszki z książki - "The Curry Cook's Assistant or,...
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3. exaggerated

The announcement exaggerated the number of casualties.
Let us indulge in exaggerated displays of affection!
That's a little exaggerated, isn't it?
However, it is clear that the casualty figures claimed by the LTTE have been exaggerated.
I think your story is exaggerated - nobody is capable of drinking 50 beers in one evening!
The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated.
to make greatly/grossly/wildly exaggerated claims
You may depend upon it that the story is exaggerated.
He exaggerated his experience.

英語 "という言葉przesadny"(exaggerated)集合で発生します。

słowotwórstwo 2

4. overindulgent

英語 "という言葉przesadny"(overindulgent)集合で発生します。

rozwoj dziecka 2