辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

przesadzać wyolbrzymiać 英語で:

1. exaggerate exaggerate

2. exaggerate

He is apt to say atrocious things and to exaggerate his grievances.
Journalists sometimes exaggerate news stories to sell more newspapers
Don't exaggerate.
I am sure she'll be fine. It's only a cold and you have a tendency to exaggerate.
To get a story, you’d jazz it up... you’d exaggerate.
What they tell of you is not exaggerated.
You shouldn't believe everything she says - she does tend to exaggerate.
You really exaggerate returning at this time.
Don’t exaggerate to make things sound worse than they really are.
The book exaggerates the difficulties he faced in starting his career.
Don’t exaggerate. I was only two minutes late, not twenty.
Oh please. You have tendency to exaggerate. I stabed you only once and the knife was like thirty centimeters long.
Now, if you really want to exaggerate, you can say, "I have heard
She definitely exaggerates her make-up.
This dog is as big as a horse!' 'Don't exaggerate!'