辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

przydzielony 英語で:

1. assigned

He was assigned a task.
Ten policemen were assigned to patrol that area.
The task assigned to him was to do marketing research.
This vowel change has much to do with the overall accent pattern assigned to each word.
The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework.
The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
At present "consume all consumable resources" is assigned as the operational meaning of TETRA.
He is sure to carry out the task assigned to him.
This problem is an equality of k so we first solve the assigned equation for k.
This remote is sassigned to the receiver.
For many years I thought that it was beauty alone that gave significance to life and that the only purpose that could be assigned to the generations that succeed one another on the face of this crowded earth was to produce an artist now and then.
The obsequious waiter is usually assigned the best table because he always curries favor with his manager and superiors.
He assigned the kazoo parts to a large four-part men's choir.
It is important that no one is allowed to slack off on their assigned work.
When the counter value reaches the assigned 'lucky-number' it displays a congratulatory message.

英語 "という言葉przydzielony"(assigned)集合で発生します。

Divine 21.02.2017. (Eklesj.) Koh 3,1-22
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