辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

rozdrabniać 英語で:

1. crumble crumble

The church's steeple is beginning to crumble with age.
The cliffs on which the houses are built are starting to crumble.
cake with a crumble topping
mountains start to crumble
The building would crumble if it weren't for its sturdy structure.
The village crumbled when everyone left to work in the city.
Why, then, do most people believe that a society will crumble without a coercive and monopolistic social agency at its core?
Crumble is a classic pudding you can enjoy all year, from comforting apple & blackberry crumble to modern twists like peanut butter berry crisp.

英語 "という言葉rozdrabniać"(crumble)集合で発生します。

Żywienie eating out 4
Rocks - Część kolejna

2. break up

We decided to break up.
I think Tommy and Carly are going to break up soon. They've been arguing so much.
I find it really hard to break up with
Schools break up in mid-July.
Schools break up on the 23rd for Christmas.
I break up with Ania.
break up the fight
Why did the Beatles break up?
They had to break up the party because of the neighbours’ complaints.
(usually no object; with an object, break up with [inseparable)]): end a personal relationship; "Tim and Julie aren't going steady any more. They got really angry with each other and broke up."
After five years of being with each other, they decided to break up
Schools break up for the summer holiday tomorrow.
Sorry to break up the party, but I have to go.
So when do the children break up for Christmas?
stop for holidays (of schools, etc.)/When do you break up for you summer holidays?

英語 "という言葉rozdrabniać"(break up)集合で発生します。

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