辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

strzec się 英語で:

1. beware beware

Beware of the dog!
Beware of imitations.
When you cross the road you should beware of speeding cars.
Beware lest you should miss the train.
Beware of one who praises you to your face.
Beware of thefts in a big city.
Beware! There's a car coming!
Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Please beware of fraudulent emails.
Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it.
You should beware of overconfidence.
Beware of 'One Ring' malicious nuisance calls!!
shoppers were warned to beware of cut-price fakes
beware this voodoo in the night
Beware that you don't get into trouble.

英語 "という言葉strzec się"(beware)集合で発生します。

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2. guard down guard down

3. to guard against