辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

umówić kogoś 英語で:

1. Set somebody up

2. to set someone up

3. to set up to someone

英語 "という言葉umówić kogoś"(to set up to someone)集合で発生します。

2020-03-03 Lekcja 1

4. make an appointment

I'd like to make an appointment with doctor Green.
I'd like to make an appointment for tomorrow.
I have to make an appointment with a dentist.
I have to make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.
I have to make an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow. I have been rather unwell recently.
I would like to make an appointment with the manager.
To see a doctor you normally need to make an appointment.
The number to call to make an appointment is 203-4455.
I would like to make an appointment
make an appointment

英語 "という言葉umówić kogoś"(make an appointment)集合で発生します。

angielski lekcja 3