辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

wtrącać się w 英語で:

1. interfere in interfere in

You shouldn't interfere in other people's business.
Don't you ever interfere in their personal issues.

英語 "という言葉wtrącać się w"(interfere in)集合で発生します。

Czasowniki z przyimkiem of / after / in

2. intrude into intrude into

3. interfere with interfere with

Don't interfere with their affairs
I don't want my kids to interfere with any electrical stuff that we have at home.
Nobody must interfere with the proceedings of the jury.
1. It will interfere with my responsibilities. 2. Don't interfere with my private life.

英語 "という言葉wtrącać się w"(interfere with)集合で発生します。

tolerancja, terroryzm

4. meddle in

5. to intrude in

英語 "という言葉wtrącać się w"(to intrude in)集合で発生します。

Kartkówka 16.03

6. interfere

Don't interfere
Examinations interfere with the real purpose of education.
Don't let schooling interfere with your education.
He said the United States would not interfere.
Large countries shouldn't interfere with smaller countries.
A tight belt will interfere with circulation of the blood.
It is a private conversation - I wish you wouldn't interfere.
I don't want to interfere but...
The bark of my dog interfered with my sleep.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
Will the delay not interfere with the next outlet
if you interfere, you become involved in a situation when your help or advice is not wanted. An interfering person interferes a lot
A helpful general definition of restraint is: "anything which interferes with, or stops, a resident doing what they appear to want to do
We libertarians believe that Government should interfere in people's lives as little as possible.
Slave revolts interfere with Middle Passage.

7. intervene in

英語 "という言葉wtrącać się w"(intervene in)集合で発生します。

U7 słownictwo

8. meddling in