辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

zamiłowanie do czegoś 英語で:

1. love of something love of something

2. passion for something passion for something

3. you cup of tea you cup of tea

英語 "という言葉zamiłowanie do czegoś"(you cup of tea)集合で発生します。

słówka z zadania 4 i 5

4. taste for taste for

Children will develop a taste for more and more complicated computer games.

5. fondness fondness

He has a great fondness for music.
I have no fondness for my last boss, who was a jerk.
Neil's fondness for loose change
Neil's fondness for loose change. A couple display a fondness for each other.
Well, I don't understand your fondness for out-dated stuff
I have a fondness for sweets.
Without anger and fondness.
All of his friends were body pillows, and all of hers were dolls; so they bonded over their fondness for animating the inanimate. However, because they were not inanimate objects but people with complex emotions, their relationship was sometimes strained.