辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

zaopatrywać się w coś 英語で:

1. stock up on something stock up on something

英語 "という言葉zaopatrywać się w coś"(stock up on something)集合で発生します。

Słówka na sprawdzian

2. procure procure

Every discovery procures new discoveries
He procured seat in the front row.
It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel and other daily necessities
It appears to be easy for teenagers to procure drugs
She's ​managed ​somehow to procure his ​phone ​number.
An admiring fan once asked Christopher Columbus how he managed to procure funding for all of his amazing journeys. Columbus then took the fan to an abandoned alley, took out a pistol, and said "That's how".

3. to source to source

where to source my confidence from