辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

zawyżać 英語で:

1. overestimate

We cannot overestimate the value of health.
You overestimate him.
We cannot overestimate her ability.
She's overestimated her powers and hasn't climbed that mountain. Ona przeceniła swoje siły i nie wspięła się na na górę.
They overestimated the number of guests and had a lot of food left over.
We overestimated the number of guests, there were a lot of free chairs.
He overestimated his willingness to change.
Some proud parents overestimate their children’s abilities.
The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.

英語 "という言葉zawyżać"(overestimate)集合で発生します。

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2. overstate

The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.
It is impossible to overstate the importance of Canadian...

英語 "という言葉zawyżać"(overstate)集合で発生します。

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